Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation
sysconf.tcl (annotations | original source)

#    Copyright (C) 2010 Alexandros Stergiakis <alsterg@gmail.com>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Procedures for handling MikroConf command specifications.
# This file encapsulates procedures and data structures for the following:
#   * registering new commands/attributes/confmodes/authmodes
#   * finding information about registered commands/attributes
#   * internal representation of the command line hierarchy and confmodes/authmodes. 
#   * running system configuration data structure
#   * retrieve running/startup configuration
#   * save running config, load startup config
# @assume Dependency on the structure of the DOM tree.

package require tdom 0.8.2
package require struct::set 2.2.1
package require struct::list 1.6.1
package require grammar::fa 0.3
package require grammar::fa::op 0.4

namespace eval sysconf {
    namespace import ::session::close_session ::session::create_bg_session ::module::api::ferror
    namespace export loadspecs remove print match authmode confmode execute runningConf startupConf loadConf saveConf inuse

# The DOM data structure that stores the command specifications.
dom createDocumentNode sysconf

# Load/Remove/Print Specifications

# Load command specifications from an XML file into the internal data representation.
# In case of parse or other error, we catch them in here, and log it.
# @param filepath The source file itself.
# @error
proc loadspecs {filepath} {
    Global BASE_DIR
    log::Debug "Loading command specs from $filepath"
    variable sysconf

    variable parser [expat \
                -namespace \
                -final 1 \
                -baseurl [tDOM::baseURL $BASE_DIR/] \
                -externalentitycommand tDOM::extRefHandler \
                -paramentityparsing always \
                -ignorewhitecdata 1]
    #package require tnc 0.3.0 
    #tnc $parser enable ;# for DTD validation
    tdom $parser enable

    if {[catch {
        $parser parsefile $filepath
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        tdom $parser remove
        $parser free
        log::Critical -error -stack $errStack "Failed to parse command specifications $filepath: " $errMsg
    set doc [tdom $parser getdoc]
    $doc documentElement root
    $sysconf appendChild $root
    $sysconf deleteXPathCache
    $doc delete ;# Also deletes any node command

# Check if a module is in use by some session (user or background or remote), or not.
# @return '1' if in use, '0' otherwise.
proc inuse {name} {
    variable sysconf
    set nodes [$sysconf selectNodes [format {/module[@name='%s']} $name]]
    # Check first to see if a session is currently on an Authmode or Confmode
    # owned by this module. If so then we cannot unload it.
    foreach node $nodes {
        foreach sid [concat [::session::bg_sessions] [::session::user_sessions]] {
            Session $sid CONFMODE AUTHMODE
            if {[$node selectNodes [format {boolean(confmode[@name='%s'])} $CONFMODE]] ||
                [$node selectNodes [format {boolean(authmode[@name='%s'])} $AUTHMODE]]} {
                    return 1
    return 0

# Remove all command specifications associated with a module name.
# @param name The module name.
proc remove {name} {
    variable sysconf
    log::Debug "Unloading command specs for module: $name"

    set nodes [$sysconf selectNodes [format {/module[@name='%s']} $name]]
    foreach node $nodes {
        $node delete

# Return the running configuration as XML, or a subparts of it, depetermined by a XPath query.
# @param arguments The arguments accepted by the 'asXML' sub-command of domDoc/domNode.
# @param query XPath query to determine the nodes whose subtrees will be concatanated and printed.
# @return An XML string.
proc print {{arguments {}} {query {}}} {
    variable sysconf
    if {$query eq {}} {
        return [$sysconf asXML {*}$arguments]
    } else {
        set ret {}
        set nodes [$sysconf selectNodes $query]
        foreach node $nodes {
            append ret [$node asXML {*}$arguments] "\n"
        return $ret

# Command/Argument matching

# It looks for MikroConf commands and arguments that can be placed
# in the word that the cursor is pointing at, and have as prefix the existing
# word part.
# Matching of commands is based solely on their names.
# An argument can be of type:
#   1. exact : One possible value is permitted, and this is the name of the argument
#       as found in the name=".." parameter of the argument tag. This argument type
#       can be abbreviated.
#   2. list : A fixed finite list of alternatives that is defined in the XML specifications
#       for the command. This argument type can be abbreviated.
#   3. dlist : A dynamic finite list of alternatives that is automatically generated on
#       runtime. This argument type can be abbreviated.
#   4. any : Any value fits in this category. The validity is determined by the command
#       handler on execution. This argument type cannot be abbreviated. It can coexist
#       with the previous types, in which case if there is no exact match with any of the
#       exact/list/dlist alternatives, it is caught by this one, however if there is an exact
#       match, it takes precedence. It is not considered by TAB expansion, which only
#       considers types 1-3. In-line help (?) on the other hand always lists it, along with
#       any matching types of 1-3.
#   5. fixed : The value of this element must hold a serialized Tcl array mapping
#       names to help messages. Command expansion (TAB) will consider the
#       names as valid alternatives, whereas in-line help (with ?) will display the
#       names as alternatives along with the corresponding help messages. The
#       "fixed" type is useful for brevity purposes, and performance. Instead of
#       having a complex automaton with multiple "exact" element types, you
#       only have one element and only one state in the automaton.
# All words except the last one are expected to be unambiguous, meaning that
# (after aplying proper precedence rules) match to exactly one possible entity
# (argument or command).
# To resolve collisions between literals coming from "list" "dlist" "fixed" or "exact" types
# with the "any" type that accepts any string, we give precedence to the former types, if and
# only if there is an exact match. For example "running-config" will match the "exact" type
# with name "running-config", but "running" will match the "any" type if it is supported in the
# argument position being processed.
# For the last argument the procedure returns information based on a list of provided flags.
# Supported flags:
#       -no : Indicates whether the command is a negation (starts with no) or not. 
#       -type : For commands it returns the string "command" and for arguments the string "argument".
#       -pos : The position in the command list when the last word that is interpreted as command resides.
#                  After this point, all remaining words are arguments.
#       -nodes : For commands it returns the matching nodes, INCLUDING structural paths.
#                      For arguments, it returns the single command node the arguments belongs to.
#       -count : For commands it returns the number of matching commands, EXCLUDING structural paths.
#                     For arguments, it returns the number of matching arguments, of all types; it does not consider
#                     type precedence (e.g. "exact" has higher precedence then "any" type).
#       -names : Returns matching names (command & argument names). For commands structural nodes
#                       are not considered.
#       -values : Returns matching values (command names & argument values).
#                       This is used by Tab completion.
#       -types : The types of the arguments that are valid for the specified argument position.
#       -help : Return a list of tuples for each matching argument/command of the form: {Name Description}.
#                   For commands structural nodes are not considered. This is used by question mark help.
#       -final : 1 indicates that the command can be executed as it is.
#                   0 that it is not specific enough or complete yet.
#       -vector : Return a list of tuples of the form: <argname value>, one for each argument in cmdlist.
#                   <argname> is the unique name of the argument and <value> is the value provided in the cmdlist
#                   by the user.
# Note: "no" is counted in -count, -help, -values, -names, but not in -vector.
# The command supports returning information for multiple flags with a single call. This is
# for performance reasons. It is more efficient to run the algorithm once and retrieve as much
# information as possible, than running it multiple times for different types of info.
# When multiple flags are specified then the result is a list of lists. One sub-list for each flag in the
# order they are provided (from left to right).
# Note: Any backslashes in the input command string are substituted (removed) first before processing it.
# @param sid Session Id.
# @param options A combination of: "-count", "-names", "-values", "-help", "-final"
# @param cmdline The command line string to operate on.
# @param wordIndex The word index the cursor is pointing at in the cmdline list.
# @return Returns the matched names/values for each provided flag in order.
# @error
proc match {sid options cmdline wordIndex} {
    variable sysconf
    Session $sid CONFMODE
    set AUTHPRIV [authmode $sid privilege]

    # Substitute backslashes. This removes the end-of-line escapes.
    set cmdline [subst -nocommands -novariables $cmdline]
    # Just to make sure that backslash substitutions didn't result in a non-command.
    # Note: "puts {a}n" is a complete command (info complete), but NOT a list (string is list).
    if {! [info complete $cmdline] || ! [string is list $cmdline]} { ;# the empty string is a list
        error "command string is not a valid command"
    # Can happen if TAB/? is pressed on a "\"
    #if {[lindex $cmdline $wordIndex] eq "\\"} { return }
    # The configuration modes within which we are searching for a match
    # 'pool' always holds the matching nodes up to the current point of processing.
    set pool [$sysconf selectNodes [format {/module/tree[@conf='%s'][@priv<=%s]} $CONFMODE $AUTHPRIV]]
    if {[lempty $pool]} { ;# No commands for current Authmode/Confmode combination.
        error "no commands within scope"
    # Skip leading "\"
    #if {$i eq "\\"} { incr i }
    # Indicates that the command is a negation.
    set NO 0
    # Match against command names first
    for {set i 0} {$i <= $wordIndex} {incr i} {

        # Note: wordIndex can point after the end of the cmdline (wordIndex == [llength $cmdline]  + 1),
        # see pos2index for details. However, there is no problem with the following algorithm because
        # [lindex {a b} 3] == {}, and, starts-with(anything, {}), matches.
        set prefix [lindex $cmdline $i]

        # Check if it is a negative command. It must start with a "no" word.
        # Note: "no" cannot be abbreviated.
        # Note: if $wordIndex == $i it means we refer to "no" and looking for alternatives there.
        if {$i == 0 && $prefix eq "no" && $wordIndex > $i} {
            set NO 1
        # Skip "\"
        #if {$prefix eq "\\"} { continue }
        # The node pool for the next iteration.
        set all [list]
        foreach n $pool {
            if {$NO} {
                # Select all commands that have the right prefix & permission & (for negations) support "no"
                # With priv: lappend all {*}[$n selectNodes [format {command[starts-with(@name, '%s')][@priv<=%s]/no/..} $prefix $AUTHPRIV]]
                lappend all {*}[$n selectNodes [format {command[starts-with(@name, '%s')]/no/..} $prefix]]                

                # Select all paths that have the right prefix and lead to at least one command that has the right permission and (for negations) supports "no"
                set all2 [$n selectNodes [format {path[starts-with(@name, '%s')]} $prefix]]
                foreach n2 $all2 {
                    if {[$n2 selectNodes {boolean(.//command/no)}]} {
                        lappend all $n2
                # With priv attribute on commands:
                #set all2 [$n selectNodes [format {path[starts-with(@name, '%s')]} $prefix]]
                #foreach n2 $all2 {
                #    if {[$n2 selectNodes [format {boolean(.//command[@priv<=%s]/no)} $AUTHPRIV]]} {
                #        lappend all $n2
                #    }
            } else {
                # Select all commands that have the right prefix & permission
                # With priv: lappend all {*}[$n selectNodes [format {command[starts-with(@name, '%s')][@priv<=%s]} $prefix $AUTHPRIV]]
                lappend all {*}[$n selectNodes [format {command[starts-with(@name, '%s')]} $prefix]]
                # Select all paths that have the right prefix and lead to at least one command that has the right permission
                lappend all {*}[$n selectNodes [format {path[starts-with(@name, '%s')]} $prefix]]
                # With priv attribute on commands:
                #set nodes [$n selectNodes [format {path[starts-with(@name, '%s')]} $prefix]]
                #foreach n2 $nodes {
                #    if {[$n2 selectNodes [format {boolean(.//command[@priv<=%s])} $AUTHPRIV]]} {
                #        lappend all $n2
                #    }
        catch { unset nodes }
        # Filter out those paths that have no description, meaning that they don't _define_ a path, but rather have a structural role.
        # Note: We require that when a structural path matches, the original also matches. This in practice is guaranteed with
        # module dependencies: By having the modules that use a path to depend on the module that defines it.
        # @assume Inter-module dependencies expressed in the form of 'module require'  should guarantee that when a
        # structural path exists, its original also exists (the owner).
        set unique [list]
        foreach n $all {
            if {[$n selectNodes {boolean(desc)}] || [$n selectNodes {boolean(no/desc)}]} {
                lappend unique $n
        # Count unique matches
        set count [llength $unique]
        # Check if we reached the end of the string without encountering an argument.
        if {$i == $wordIndex} {
            set Result [list]
            foreach option $options {
                set result [list]
                switch -exact -- $option {
                    "-no" {
                        set result $NO
                    "-type" {
                        set result "command"
                    "-pos" {
                        set result {} ;# We haven't encountered the last argument yet.
                    "-nodes" {
                        # Note: We match structural paths.
                        set result $all
                    "-count" {
                        # Note: We don't match structural paths.
                        set result [llength $unique]
                        if {$i == 0 && [string match "${prefix}*" "no"]} {
                            foreach n $pool {
                                # With priv:
                                #if {[$n selectNodes [format {boolean(.//command[@priv<=%s]/no)} $AUTHPRIV]]}
                                if {[$n selectNodes {boolean(.//command/no)}]} {
                                    incr result
                    "-names" -
                    "-values" {
                        # Note: We don't match structural paths.
                        foreach n $unique {
                            lappend result [$n selectNodes {string(@name)}]
                        # Append "no" if there is an accessible command that supports negation.
                        if {$i == 0 && [string match "${prefix}*" "no"]} {
                            foreach n $pool {
                                # With priv:
                                #if {[$n selectNodes [format {boolean(.//command[@priv<=%s]/no)} $AUTHPRIV]]} 
                                if {[$n selectNodes {boolean(.//command/no)}]} {
                                    lappend result "no"
                        set result [lsort $result]
                    "-help" {
                        # Note: We don't match structural paths.
                        foreach n $unique {
                            if {$NO && [$n selectNodes {boolean(no/desc)}]} { ;# If it doesn't have no/desc, use desc instead.
                                lappend result [list [$n getAttribute name] [$n selectNodes {string(no/desc/text())}]]
                            } else {
                                lappend result [list [$n getAttribute name] [$n selectNodes {string(desc/text())}]]
                        # Append "no" if there is an accessible command that supports negation.
                        if {$i == 0 && [string match "${prefix}*" "no"]} {
                            foreach n $pool {
                                # With priv:
                                #if {[$n selectNodes [format {boolean(.//command[@priv<=%s]/no)} $AUTHPRIV]]} 
                                if {[$n selectNodes {boolean(.//command/no)}]} {
                                    lappend result [list no {Negate a command; cancel its effect; or restore default behavior}]
                        # Sort.
                        set result [lsort -index 0 $result]
                    "-vector" {
                        # We haven't reached arguments, so no vector.
                    "-types" {
                        # We haven't reached arguments, so no types.
                    "-final" {
                        # Special Case:
                        # We pressed ? on an empty word, and there is only one option for this word available
                        # which is also final. Therefore without taking $prefix into consideration, ENTER will
                        # be displayed although the user hasn't entered anything in this word.
                        set result [expr {! [lempty $prefix] && [isCmdFinal $NO $unique]}]
                    default {
                        log::Error -error "Unsupported sub-command"
                } ;# switch
                if {[llength $options] > 1} {
                    lappend Result $result
                } else {
                    set Result $result
            } ;# foreach
            return $Result
        if {$count == 0} {
            ferror "unknown command at the indicated position" $i
        } elseif {$count > 1} {
            # Retrive node names
            set names [list]
            foreach n $unique {
                lappend names [$n getAttribute name]
            ferror "ambiguous command at the indicated position; ambiguitiy between:\n $names" $i
        } else { ;# == 1
            if {[$unique nodeName] eq "command"} {
                # Next word will be an argument
                set pool $unique
                set lastcmd_pos $i
                incr i ;# since we break, 'i' is not increased by 'for' to point to next word, as it would otherwise.
            } else {
                set pool $all
    } ;# match next word, which is a command or path
    catch { unset all unique count names }
    # To reach here it means that we point to an argument. 
    # The next word in the cmdline is an argument (pointed by $i now), followed by (possibly) more arguments.
    # These variables have value from before: i, wordIndex, pool, NO, options, cmdline, lastcmd_pos
    # Case: Command does not support arguments, but an argument is supplied.
    if {(! $NO && ! [$pool selectNodes {boolean(syntax)}]) || \
        ($NO && ! [$pool selectNodes {boolean(no/syntax)}])} {
        if {$i == $wordIndex} { ;# Last word.
            # Special Case:
            # A ? is pressed on an empty word after a final command.
            # Since we reach here, it means that the previous word is a command.
            # Thus the ? is refering to its first argument, but the command doesn't
            # support arguments. Enter is possible at this point, because no
            # argument is provided yet, and no argument is required.
            if {"-final" in $options && [lempty [lindex $cmdline $i]] && [isCmdFinal $NO $pool]} {
                set res {}
                foreach opt $options {
                    switch -exact -- $opt {
                        "-final" { lappend res 1 }
                        "-pos" { lappend res [expr {[llength $cmdline] - 1}] }
                        "-count" { lappend res 0 }
                        "-no" { lappend res $NO }
                        "-type" { lappend res "command" }
                        default { lappend res {} }
                return $res
            return ;# signifies unnecessary argument.
        } else { ;# There are more words.
            ferror "unnecessary argument at indicated position" $i
    compute_fa fa $NO $pool

    set startstates [fa startstates]
    set finalstates [fa finalstates]
    set state $startstates ;# A deterministic automaton has always only one start state.
    # -1 Indicates that previous word was a command.
    # 1 Indicates that previous word was an argument and it was final.
    # 0 Indicates that previous word was an argument and it was NOT final.
    set prevFinal -1 
    # Now match arguments
    for {} {$i <= $wordIndex} {incr i} {
        set prefix [lindex $cmdline $i]
        # Skip "\"
        #if {$prefix eq "\\"} { continue }
        # Validity check: Only one argument of type "any" is allowed.
        set alternatives [fa symbols@ $state]
        set any_type_no 0
        foreach a $alternatives {
            if {$NO && [$pool selectNodes [format {boolean(no/argument[@name='%s']/type[@name='any'])} $a]]} { ;# give priority to arguments under <no>
                incr any_type_no [$pool selectNodes [format {boolean(no/argument[@name='%s']/type[@name='any'])} $a]]
            } else {
                incr any_type_no [$pool selectNodes [format {boolean(argument[@name='%s']/type[@name='any'])} $a]]
        if {$any_type_no > 1} {
            fa destroy
            ferror "inherently ambiguous argument" $i
        unset any_type_no
        set argList [list] ;# {type name values} , ....
        array set fixedList {} ;# name => value of type "fixed", which is actually an array of value => help
        foreach name $alternatives {
            if {$NO && [$pool selectNodes [format {boolean(no/argument[@name='%s'])} $name]]} { ;# give priority to arguments under <no>
                set type [$pool selectNodes [format {string(no/argument[@name='%s']/type/@name)} $name]]
                set value [$pool selectNodes [format {string(no/argument[@name='%s']/type/text())} $name]]
            } else {
                set type [$pool selectNodes [format {string(argument[@name='%s']/type/@name)} $name]]
                set value [$pool selectNodes [format {string(argument[@name='%s']/type/text())} $name]]
            switch -exact -- $type {
                "exact" {
                    if {$prefix eq $name} {
                        lappend argList [list "match" $name $name]
                    } elseif {[string match ${prefix}* $name]} {
                        lappend argList [list "exact" $name $name]
                "list" {
                    set matches [list]
                    foreach v $value {
                        if {$prefix eq $v} {
                            lappend argList [list "match" $name $v]
                        } elseif {[string match ${prefix}* $v]} {
                            lappend matches $v
                    if {! [lempty $matches]} {
                        lappend argList [list "list" $name $matches]
                    unset matches
                "dlist" {
                    set modname [$pool selectNodes {string(ancestor-or-self::module/@name)}]
                    if {[catch {
                        # Evaluate dlist handler in its module's namespace.
                        namespace inscope ::module::$modname {*}$value $sid
                    } result errStack]} {
                        fa destroy
                        log::Alert -error -stack $errStack "Failed to retrieve dynamic list for argument \"$name\" in command \"$cmdline\" :" $result
                    unset modname
                    set matches [list]
                    foreach v $result {
                        if {$prefix eq $v} {
                            lappend argList [list "match" $name $v]
                        } elseif {[string match ${prefix}* $v]} {
                            lappend matches $v
                    lappend argList [list "dlist" $name $matches]
                    unset matches
                "fixed" {
                    array set arr $value
                    foreach n [array names arr] {
                        if {$prefix eq $n} {
                            lappend argList [list "match" $name $n]
                            unset arr($n)
                        } elseif {! [string match ${prefix}* $n]} {
                            unset arr($n)
                    if {! [lempty [array names arr]]} {
                        lappend argList [list "fixed" $name [array names arr]]
                        set fixedList($name) [array get arr]
                    unset arr
                "any" {
                    lappend argList [list "any" $name {}]
                default {
                    fa destroy
                    log::Alert -error "unknown argument type \"$type\""
            } ;# switch
        catch { unset type name value alternatives }
        set count [llength $argList]
        lassign {} types names values
        for {set n 0} {$n < $count} {incr n} {
            lappend types [lindex $argList $n 0]
            lappend names [lindex $argList $n 1]
            lappend values {*}[lindex $argList $n 2] ;# {*} because it can be empty, and we don't want empty lists.
        # Break if we reached the last word.
        # The reason we have this here, is because we want to perform the
        # previous computations also when we process the last word.
        if {$i == $wordIndex} {
        # We save this information because in order to determine if an argument position
        # is final, we need it to know if the previous argument position was final.
        # For example when we press ? on an empty last word on the command line, and the
        # previous argument was final.
        set prevFinal [isArgFinal $NO $pool $argList $prefix $count $types $values $names $startstates $finalstates $state $prevFinal]
        if {$count == 0} {
            fa destroy
            ferror "erroneous argument at the indicated position" $i
        } elseif {$count > 1} {
            set matches [llength [lsearch -exact -all $types "match"]]
            # Many matches should not happen.
            if {$matches > 1} {
                ferror "inherently ambiguous argument" $i
            # Exact match takes precedence.    
            } elseif {$matches == 1} {
                set name [lindex $names [lsearch -exact $types "match"]]
                lappend vector $name $prefix
                set state [fa next $state $name]
                unset name
            # Otherwise "any" catches all.
            } elseif {"any" in $types} {
                # We accept it since it matches on the "any" type.
                set name [lindex $names [lsearch -exact $types "any"]] ;# We know that is in the same list possition.
                lappend vector $name $prefix ;# store the actual value entered on the command line.
                set state [fa next $state $name]
                unset name
            # Without any and exact match, it's an error.
            } else {
                fa destroy
                ferror "ambiguous argument at the indicated position; ambiguitiy between:\n $names" $i
        } else { ;# == 1
            if {$types eq "any"} {
                lappend vector $names $prefix
            } else {
                lappend vector $names $values
            set state [fa next $state $names]
    unset i
    fa destroy ;# For good.
    # Now process the last argument. Since $wordIndex can point after $cmdline, this last argument
    # can be non-existing.
    # These variables have value from before:
    #   pool, wordIndex, state, names, types, values, count, prevFinal, startstates, finalstates, vector
    set Result [list]
    foreach option $options {
        set result [list]
        switch -exact -- $option {
            "-no" {
                set result $NO
            "-type" {
                set result "argument"
            "-types" {
                set result $types
            "-pos" {
                set result $lastcmd_pos
            "-nodes" {
                set result $pool
            "-count" {
                # We count all types. This cannot be used as to determine if a command is complete.
                # Use -final for this.
                set result $count
            "-names" {
                set result $names
            "-values" {
                # The "any" type cannot be returned in any meaningful form.
                set result [lsort $values]
            "-help" {
                foreach n $names {
                    if {[info exists fixedList($n)]} {
                        foreach {n2 desc} $fixedList($n) {
                            lappend result [list $n2 $desc]
                    } else {
                        if {$NO && [$pool selectNodes [format {boolean(no/argument[@name='%s']/desc)} $n]]} {
                            set desc [$pool selectNodes [format {string(no/argument[@name='%s']/desc/text())} $n]]
                        } else {
                            if {$NO && [$pool selectNodes [format {boolean(argument[@name='%s']/nodesc)} $n]]} {  ;# If it doesn't have nodesc, use desc instead.
                                set desc [$pool selectNodes [format {string(argument[@name='%s']/nodesc/text())} $n]]
                            } else {
                                set desc [$pool selectNodes [format {string(argument[@name='%s']/desc/text())} $n]]
                        lappend result [list $n $desc]
                set result [lsort -index 0 $result]
            "-vector" {
                if {[llength $values] == 1} { ;# exact match
                    # Find the name whose one of its values is $values.
                    for {set t 0} {$t < $count} {incr t} {
                        if {$values in [lindex $argList $t 2]} {
                            lappend vector [lindex $argList $t 1] $values
                } elseif {"any" in $types} {
                    set n [lindex [lsearch -exact -inline -index 0 $argList "any"] 1] ;# Find the name that has type "any".
                    lappend vector $n $prefix ;# store the actual value entered on the command line.
                } else {
                    # To mark that it is not determined yet, we add an empty list along with the provided value.
                    lappend vector {} $prefix
                set result $vector
            "-final" {
                set result [isArgFinal $NO $pool $argList $prefix $count $types $values $names $startstates $finalstates $state $prevFinal]
            default {
                log::Error -error "Unsupported sub-command"
        } ;# switch
        if {[llength $options] > 1} {
            lappend Result $result
        } else {
            set Result $result
    } ;# foreach
    return $Result

# When the cursor is placed on a path or command, find whether the command line 
# up and including the word where the cursor is placed, can be executed as it is.
# @param NO Boolean. Whether we have a negation command or not.
# @param node The command node in the DOM tree.
# @return '1' if command is final, '0' otherwise.
proc isCmdFinal {NO node} {
    # In summary:
    #       llength $node == 1 && node is command && ( without syntax || fa start == fa final)
    if {[llength $node] == 1 && [$node nodeName] eq "command"} {
        if {$NO} {
            set no {no/}
        } else {
            set no {}
        if {! [$node selectNodes [format {boolean(%ssyntax)} $no]]} {
            return 1
        # else
        compute_fa fa1 $NO $node

        if {[fa1 startstates] in [fa1 finalstates]} {
            fa1 destroy
            return 1
        fa1 destroy
    return 0

# When the cursor is placed on an argument, find whether the command line 
# up and including the word where the cursor is placed, can be executed as it is.
# @param NO Boolean. Whether we have a negation command or not.
# @param node The node of the command the argument belongs to.
# @param argList List of arguments that match with the prefix: {type name values} ....
# @param prefix The prefix of the word the cursor is placed.
# @param count The number of matching arguments (or valid arguments).
# @param types The types of all valid arguments concatenated.
# @param values The matching values of all valid arguments concatenated.
# @param names The names of all valid arguments concatenated.
# @param startstate The name of the start state of the automaton.
# @param finalstates The names of final states of the automaton.
# @param curstate The name of the current state.
# @param prevFinal Whether the previous word was a command (-1), a final state (1) or else (0).
# @return '1' if argument is final, '0' otherwise.
proc isArgFinal {NO node argList prefix count types values names startstate finalstates curstate prevFinal} {
    # Algorithm:
    # An argument is final in the following cases:
    #   1. prefix eq "" && previous word is a command && startstate in finalstates
    #   2. prefix eq "" && previous word is an argument && previous argument is final
    #   3. prefix ne "" && $values == 1 && (state after name($values)) in finalstates
    #   4. prefix ne "" && "any" in $types && $values != 1 && (state after name(any)) in finalstates
    #   Anything else results in a non-final argument.
    # Case 1 & 2.
    if {[lempty $prefix]} {
        # Case 1.
        if {$prevFinal == -1 && $startstate in $finalstates} {
           return 1
        # Case 2.
        if {$prevFinal == 1} {
            return 1
    # Case 3 & 4.
    } else { 

        # Case 3.
        if {[llength $values] == 1} {
            # Find the name whose one of its values is $values.
            for {set t 0} {$t < $count} {incr t} {
                if {$values in [lindex $argList $t 2]} {
                    set name [lindex $argList $t 1]
                    if {[nextState $NO $node $curstate $name] in $finalstates} {
                        return 1
        # Case 4.
        if {"any" in $types && [llength $values] != 1} {
            # Find the name that has type "any".
            set name [lindex [lsearch -exact -inline -index 0 $argList "any"] 1]
            if {[nextState $NO $node $curstate $name] in $finalstates} {
                return 1
    return 0

# Returns the state of the automaton after consuming $symbol from $curstate.
# @param NO Boolean. Whether we have a negation command or not.
# @param node The node of the command the argument belongs to.
# @param curstate The name of the current state.
# @param symbol The symbol to consume.
# @return The state of the automaton after consuming $symbol from $curstate.
proc nextState {NO node curstate symbol} {
    compute_fa fa2 $NO $node
    set nextstate [fa2 next $curstate $symbol] ;# Consume $symbol.
    fa2 destroy
    return $nextstate

# Command Execution

# This command attempts to find if a given command is a mikroconf command and if so, it executes it.
# @param command The command name and arguments to execute.
# @return The result of the execution or a formatted error message.
# @error
proc execute {sid cmdline} {
    Session $sid CONFMODE
    set AUTHPRIV [authmode $sid privilege]
    set pos [expr {[llength $cmdline] - 1}]
    # The following can generate an error, which we let propagate.
    lassign [match $sid {-no -final -count -vector -nodes -names -type -pos -types} $cmdline $pos] no final count vector node names type position types

    if {$count eq ""} { ;# 'match' returned nothing, which means:
        ferror "unnecessary argument at indicated position" $pos
    } elseif {$count == 0} {
        ferror "unknown $type at the indicated position" $pos
    } elseif {$count > 1} {
        if {$type eq "command"} {
            ferror "ambiguous command at the indicated position; ambiguitiy between:\n $names" $pos
        } else { ;# argument
            if {[llength [lsearch -all $types "match"]] > 1 || [llength [lsearch -all $types "any"]] > 1} {
                ferror "inherently ambiguous argument" $pos
            if {"match" ni $types && "any" ni $types} {
                ferror "ambiguous argument at the indicated position; ambiguitiy between:\n $names" $pos

    if {! $final} {
        if {$type eq "command"} {
            error "incompete command"
        } else { ;# argument
            set p 0
            foreach {t v} $vector { ;# type value
                if {[lempty $t]} { ;# Marks no match against argument at position $p
                    ferror "illegal argument at the indicated position" [expr {$pos + $p}]
                incr p
            error "insufficient number of arguments"
    set cmd [$node selectNodes {string(exec/text())}]
    set modname [$node selectNodes {string(ancestor-or-self::module/@name)}]
    # Create a memory fifo to capture handler output.
    # Contrary to "return", this method allows for the output up to an error to be recovered, and printed.
    # If we were using only the return value from the handler, then output that has been appened to the result
    # before an error, would not be accessible after the error.
    set out [fifo]
    fconfigure $out -buffering full -blocking 0 -translation binary
    # Handler procs should take care of classifying and logging errors using the helper procs in helper.tcl.
    if {[catch {
        namespace inscope ::module::$modname {*}$cmd $cmdline $position $sid $out $no $vector
    } result options]} {
        # Print the output up to the error.
        flush $out
        set result "[read $out]${result}"
    } else {
        # Append handler's result to handler's output.
        if {! [lempty $result]} {
            puts $out $result
        flush $out
        set result [read $out]
    close $out
    return -options $options $result


# Operations on Authmodes.
# Supported: init, set, get, parent, list, exists, getstring, setstring, privilege, exit.
# @param sid Session Id.
# @param op Operation.
# @param mode The authentication mode name or string, depending on the operation.
# @error
proc authmode {sid op {mode {}}} {
    variable sysconf
    switch -exact -- $op {
        "init" {
            sysconf authmode $sid set $AUTHROOT
        "set" { ;# 'mode' is the authmode to switch to.
            if {! [authmode $sid exists $mode]} {
                log::Error -error "Authmode \"$mode\" does not exist, while switching authmode"
            set AUTHMODE $mode
            set AUTHSTRING [$sysconf selectNodes [format {string(/module/authmode[@name='%s']/@string)} $AUTHMODE]]
            # Enforce policy that corresponds to newly set AUTHMODE.
            if {! [lempty $POLICY]} {
                Thread::bgsend $sid [list policy $POLICY]
            } else {
                Thread::bgsend $sid [list policy $mode]
        "get" { ;# Get current authmode
            return $AUTHMODE
        "parent" { ;# 'mode' _if_ set is the authmode to look for the parent of.
            if {[lempty $mode]} {
                set mode $AUTHMODE
            if {$mode eq $AUTHROOT} {
                log::Warning -error "Root authmode has no parent"
            set node [$sysconf selectNodes [format {/module/authmode[@name='%s']} $mode]]
            if {[llength $node] != 1} {
                log::Critical -error "Multiple AUTHMODEs with same name were found:" $node
            return [$node getAttribute parent]
        "list" { ;# Get all registered authmodes
            set ret [list]
            set nodes [$sysconf selectNodes {/module/authmode}]
            foreach node $nodes {
                lappend ret [$node getAttribute name]
            return $ret
        "exists" { ;# 'mode' is the name of the authmode that we test if it exists.
            return [$sysconf selectNodes [format {boolean(/module/authmode[@name='%s'])} $mode]]
        "getstring" { ;# Get display string associated with an the current authmode
            return $AUTHSTRING
        "setstring" { ;# 'mode' is the new display string of the current authmode to set to.
            # It has effect only on the local session
            set AUTHSTRING $mode
        "privilege" { ;# Get privilege level of current authmode
            return [$sysconf selectNodes [format {string(/module/authmode[@name='%s']/@privilege)} $AUTHMODE]]
        "exit" { ;# Exit current authmode and move to the parent
            # Ignore if already on root
            if {$AUTHMODE eq $AUTHROOT} { return }
            authmode $sid set [authmode $sid parent]
        default {
            error "Unsupported sub-command"


# Operations on Confmodes
# Supported: init, set, get, parent, list, exists, getstring, setstring, exit, store
# @param sid Session Id.
# @param op Operation.
# @param mode The configuration mode name or string, depending on the operation.
# @error
proc confmode {sid op {mode {}}} {
    variable sysconf
    switch -exact -- $op {
        "init" {
            sysconf confmode $sid set $CONFROOT
        "set" { ;# 'mode' is the confmode to switch to.
            if {! [confmode $sid exists $mode]} {
                log::Error -error "Confmode \"$mode\" does not exist, while switching confmode"
            set CONFMODE $mode
            set CONFSTRING [$sysconf selectNodes [format {string(/module/confmode[@name='%s']/@string)} $CONFMODE]]
        "get" { ;# Get current confmode
            return $CONFMODE
        "parent" { ;# 'mode' _if_ set is the confmode to look for the parent of.
            if {[lempty $mode]} {
                set mode $CONFMODE
            if {$mode eq $CONFROOT} {
                log::Warning -error "Already in root confmode"
            set node [$sysconf selectNodes [format {/module/confmode[@name='%s']} $mode]]
            if {[llength $node] != 1} {
                log::Critical -error "Multiple CONFMODEs with same name were found:" $node
            return [$node getAttribute parent]
        "list" { ;# Get all registered confmodes
            set ret {}
            set nodes [$sysconf selectNodes {/module/confmode}]
            foreach node $nodes {
                lappend ret [$node getAttribute name]
            return $ret
        "exists" { ;# 'mode' is the name of the confmode that we test if it exists.
            return [$sysconf selectNodes [format {boolean(/module/confmode[@name='%s'])} $mode]]
        "getstring" { ;# Get display string associated with an the current confmode
            return $CONFSTRING
        "setstring" { ;# 'mode' is the new display string of the current confmode to set to.
            # It has effect only on the local session
            set CONFSTRING $mode
        "store" {
            if {[lempty $mode]} {
                return $CONFSTORE
            } else {
                set CONFSTORE $mode
        "exit" { ;# Exit current confmode and move to the parent
            # Terminate session if already on root.
            # Only user sessions can terminate this way.
            if {$CONFMODE eq $CONFROOT && $USER} {
                ::session::close_session $sid "User request"
            } else {
                confmode $sid set [confmode $sid parent]
        default {
            error "Unsupported sub-command"

# MainConf

# Generate the Running Configuration.
# @param parent The mainconf section to generate the running configuration for.
# @return The Running Configuration for $parent.
# @error
proc runningConf {{parent root}} {
    variable sysconf
    set result "" ;# The running configuration string.
    set section_n [$sysconf selectNodes [format {/module/mainconf[@parent='%s']} $parent]]
    set print_n [$sysconf selectNodes [format {.//command/print[@section='%s']} $parent]]
    set children [list]
    foreach n $section_n {
        # Order Type Parent-node Module-name Section-name
        lappend children [list \
                        [$n selectNodes {string(@order)}] \
                        {section} \
                        $parent \
                        [$n selectNodes {string(ancestor-or-self::module/@name)}] \
                        [$n selectNodes {string(@name)}]]
    foreach n $print_n {
        # Order Type Parent-node Module-name Handler-code
        lappend children [list \
                        [$n selectNodes {string(@order)}] \
                        {print} \
                        $parent \
                        [$n selectNodes {string(ancestor-or-self::module/@name)}] \
                        [$n selectNodes {string(text())}]]
    # Enforce order.
    set children [lsort -increasing -integer -index 0 $children]
    # Process a child at a time.
    foreach child $children {
        lassign $child order type parent modname value
        set res {}
        switch -exact -- $type {
            "section" {
                set res [runningConf $value]
            "print" {
                if {[catch {
                    # If 'base' is the module name, then evaluate callback on ::module::base namespace.
                    namespace inscope ::module::$modname {*}$value
                } res errStack]} {
                    log::Emergency -error -stack $errStack "Failed to retrieve running configuration: " "section:$parent" "module:$modname" "code:$value" $res
        if {! [lempty $res]} {
            append result $res
    return $result

# Retrieve Startup Configuration
# @return Startup Configuration
# @error
proc startupConf {} {
    if {! [file exists $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE]} {
        error "Startup configuration is absent"
    if {[catch {
        set text [::fileutil::cat $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE]
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        log::Emergency -error -stack $errStack "Failure while reading Start-up Configuration File: " $errMsg
    return $text
# Apply Startup Config, resulting in Running Config == Startup Config.
# Log but ignore any errors.
# @assume Existance of "priv" authmode and "global" conf mode.
# @param text Configuration text to apply. If not provided then the startup-config is applied.
# @error
proc loadConf {{text {}}} {
    if {[lempty $text]} {

        if {[catch {
            set text [startupConf]
        } errMsg errStack]} {
            log::Emergency -error -stack $errStack "Failed to load Start-up configuration: " $errMsg
    # Create a new session to evaluate running-config. By doing this we make sure that
    #   1. The interpreter/session is not altered in any way that would make execution of
    #       running-config to fail.
    #   2. We request that the session enters directly to "configure terminal" mode, as
    #       all running-conf commands belong to this mode, but without explicitly switching
    #       to it. We also enter directly to privileged mode.
    set sid [create_bg_session CONFIG "priv" "global"]
    Session $sid SLAVE
    if {[catch {
        Thread::bgsend $sid [list $SLAVE eval $text]
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        log::Critical -stack $errStack "Startup configuration error: " $errMsg
        # Report in the form of an event that a startup configuration directive failed to be applied.
        # Useful to record such failures and maybe respond to them.
        # @param The failure message.
        # @param The error stack of the failure.
        event generate STARTUP_CONFIG FAILED [list $errMsg $errStack]
    close_session $sid "Evaluation of running-config finished"

# Write Running Config to Startup Config
# @error
proc saveConf {} {

    if {[catch {
        set text [runningConf]
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        log::Emergency -error -stack $errStack "Failed to generate Running Configuration: " $errMsg
    if {[file exists STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE]} {
        file copy -force -- $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE [file join $TMP_DIR $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE]
    if {[catch {
        set fd [open $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE w]
        puts $fd $text
        close $fd
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        file rename -force -- [file join $TMP_DIR $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE] $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE
        catch { close $fd }
        log::Emergency -error -stack $errStack "Failure while writing Start-up Configuration File: " $errMsg
    catch { file delete [file join $TMP_DIR $STARTUP_CONFIG_FILE]] }
    # Emitted after MikroConf's Startup Configuration is saved.
    # Can be used from distributions to copy the updated Startup config to a safe place. 
    # @param The full path to the startup-config file in the file system.

# Get a Finate Automaton (::grammar::fa) from embedded <syntax> specifications.
# Cache the generated fa by inserting it in the memory-resident DOM tree inside a <grammar> tag, which is a sibling of <syntax>.
# @param name Command name.
# @param NO Set if looking for the finate automaton that describes the negative form of the command.
# @param node The DOM node of the command.
# @return The command name of the finate automaton that corresponds to the found <syntax> specification.
# @error
proc compute_fa {name NO node} {
    variable sysconf
    if {$NO} {
        set no {no/}
    } else {
        set no {}
    if {! [$node selectNodes [format {boolean(%ssyntax)} $no]]} {
        log::Critical -error "Node \"[$node getAttribute name]\" does not specify a syntax"
    ::grammar::fa $name
    if {[$node selectNodes [format {boolean(%sgrammar)} $no]]} {
        # <grammar> is cached.
        if {[catch {
            $name deserialize [$node selectNodes [format {string(%sgrammar/text())} $no]]
        } errMsg errStack]} {
            $name destroy
            log::Critical -error -stack $errStack "Failed to deserialize syntax for node \"[$node getAttribute name]\":" $errMsg
    } else {
        # We need to convert <syntax> to <grammar>.
        if {[catch {
            $name fromRegex [$node selectNodes [format {string(%ssyntax/text())} $no]]
        } errMsg errStack]} {
            $name destroy
            log::Critical -error -stack $errStack "Failed to parse command syntax \"[$syntax_e nodeValue]\" for node \"[$node getAttribute name]\" :" $errMsg
        $name determinize
        $sysconf createElement grammar grammar_e
        $grammar_e appendFromList [list #text [$name serialize]]    
        $node appendChild $grammar_e
    return $name
namespace ensemble create

} ;# End of Namespace

Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation
File generated 2010-03-13 at 22:28.