Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation

: 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Index of annotations


$name { {$arguments} } - module.tcl
? { bool true {false {}} } - lib.tcl
Equivalent the the C language's ? construct.


adduser { user shell {pass {}} } - auth.tcl
Create a new user
Alert { args } - log.tcl
Alert { args } - thread.tcl
ansi { sid args } - lib.tcl
Return the input text with extra formating based on ANSI escape codes.
appendHistory { cmdline } - cli.tcl
Add a command to the history buffer.
ask { args } - helper.tcl
A convenience proc to prompt the user for some value.
auth.tcl - file found in source
User and password management.
auth_username_callback { name } - base-1.0.tm
Register callback procs to be called when renaming an
authmode { sid op {mode {}} } - sysconf.tcl
Operations on Authmodes.
available { } - module.tcl


base-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "base" module provides generic commands, such as "exit" and "reload", as well as commands pertaining terminal/console configuration and
bg_sessions { } - session.tcl
Get list of sids of background
bgerror { msg } - main.tcl
Background error handling procedure for the Master
bgerror { msg } - thread.tcl
Our own error handling procedure for the Master
bgexec { args } - module.tcl
Wrapper for bgexec.
bgsend { tid script args } - lib.tcl
A version of thread::send with asynchronous execution, that waits until command is evaluated (without blocking), propagates errors back, and returns the result of the evaluation.
bgsend_timeout { counter tid } - lib.tcl
A procedure executed when a bgsend job
bind { tag name handler {param -async} } - event.tcl
Register a handler to be executed when a certain event
blocks { script } - helper.tcl
break_event { sid } - helper.tcl
browseHistory { direction } - cli.tcl
Handle history action: go to the previous entry, next, first or
bufsize { } - thread.tcl
Retrieve the number of pending
busybox_has { feature } - helper.tcl
Check that the installed busybox supports a specific


Catch { level body {msg {}} } - module.tcl
Convenience procedure that catch and logs
check { } - base-1.0.tm
check { } - fs-1.0.tm
check { } - interface-1.0.tm
check { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
check { } - kernel-1.0.tm
check { } - lldp-1.0.tm
check { } - ntp-1.0.tm
check { } - pms-1.0.tm
check { } - syslog-1.0.tm
check { } - tools-1.0.tm
check { } - vty-1.0.tm
check_nfs { } - fs-1.0.tm
checkfs { type path {flags {}} {text {}} } - helper.tcl
Check that a filesystem entity exists and it has specific properties.
class2num { class } - lldp-1.0.tm
cleanup { } - main.tcl
Prepare MikroConf server for shutdown/reload, cleaning up
cleanup { } - thread.tcl
Called on session termination to clean up memory
clear { } - cli.tcl
Clears screen, leaving the cursor at the last row, first
clearline { } - cli.tcl
Removes any character printed before the position of the cursor, and send the cursor at the beginning of the line (like
clearLogs { } - log.tcl
cli.tcl - file found in source
Procedures for dealing with CLI user interactions.
close_all_bg_sessions { } - session.tcl
Close all background
close_all_user_sessions { } - session.tcl
Close all user
close_session { sid {reason Unspecified} } - session.tcl
Terminate a session and release
cmdline_insert { str pos } - cli.tcl
Insert a string into the specified position in CMDLINE, and update CMDLINE_CURSOR to point at the end of the inserted
command { name arguments body } - module.tcl
'proc' wrapper for command handlers, to catch and properly log erros.
common_state { sid } - session.tcl
Set up a number of shared variables common for both 'user' and 'background' session
compute_fa { name NO node } - sysconf.tcl
Get a Finate Automaton (::grammar::fa) from embedded specifications.
confmode { sid op {mode {}} } - sysconf.tcl
Operations on Confmodes Supported: init, set, get, parent, list, exists, getstring, setstring, exit,
constructor { } - base-1.0.tm
constructor { } - fs-1.0.tm
constructor { } - interface-1.0.tm
constructor { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
constructor { } - kernel-1.0.tm
constructor { } - lldp-1.0.tm
constructor { } - ntp-1.0.tm
constructor { } - pms-1.0.tm
constructor { } - syslog-1.0.tm
constructor { } - tools-1.0.tm
constructor { } - vty-1.0.tm
create_bg_session { username {authmode priv} {confmode global} } - session.tcl
create_user_session { pid cid fifos username type COLS ROWS } - session.tcl
Establish a connection with a shell and set up a new user session @assume authmode 'user authmode and confmode 'entry' exist.
Critical { args } - log.tcl
Critical { args } - thread.tcl
crypt { pass {salt {}} } - auth.tcl
Compute the MD5 checksum of a string.
curpos { } - shell.tcl
Returns the current cursor


Debug { args } - log.tcl
Debug { args } - thread.tcl
debuglog { msg } - shell.tcl
debuglog { msg } - shell.tcl
defines.tcl - file found in source
A repository of configuration parameters that are too low-level to be defined in
deluser { user } - auth.tcl
Delete a user account from the
description { } - base-1.0.tm
description { } - fs-1.0.tm
description { } - interface-1.0.tm
description { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
description { } - kernel-1.0.tm
description { } - lldp-1.0.tm
description { } - ntp-1.0.tm
description { } - pms-1.0.tm
description { } - syslog-1.0.tm
description { } - tools-1.0.tm
description { } - vty-1.0.tm
destructor { } - base-1.0.tm
destructor { } - fs-1.0.tm
destructor { } - interface-1.0.tm
destructor { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
destructor { } - kernel-1.0.tm
destructor { } - lldp-1.0.tm
destructor { } - ntp-1.0.tm
destructor { } - pms-1.0.tm
destructor { } - syslog-1.0.tm
destructor { } - tools-1.0.tm
destructor { } - vty-1.0.tm
dlist_all_procs { sid args } - base-1.0.tm
dlist_avail_procs { sid args } - base-1.0.tm
dlist_devices { sid args } - fs-1.0.tm
dlist_filesystems { sid args } - fs-1.0.tm
dlist_interfaces { sid args } - interface-1.0.tm
Alias of
dlist_modules { sid args } - kernel-1.0.tm
dlist_procedures { sid args } - base-1.0.tm
dlist_vty { sid args } - vty-1.0.tm


email.tcl - file found in source
Defines a procedure for sending (SMTP) and receiving (POP3) emails
Emergency { args } - log.tcl
Emergency { args } - thread.tcl
Error { args } - log.tcl
Error { args } - thread.tcl
errorproc { threadId stacktrace } - main.tcl
Custom errorproc to handle background errors arrising from asynchronous script executions between threads.
errorproc { threadId errorInfo } - thread.tcl
Custom errorproc to handle background errors arrising from asynchronous script executions between threads.
event.tcl - file found in source
A library for registering, managing and executing events and event handlers.
event_DHCPCLIENT_EVENT { tag event details } - ipconf-1.0.tm
event_INTERFACE_LINKSTATE { tag event details } - interface-1.0.tm
event_not_found { } - cli.tcl
A helper procedure to display the "event not found" message and reset
exec { args } - module.tcl
Wrapper for
execute { sid cmdline } - sysconf.tcl
This command attempts to find if a given command is a mikroconf command and if so, it executes
execute_cmd { cmdline } - cli.tcl
Execute the provided command.
exit { {code 0} {reason Unspecified} } - main.tcl
True 'exit'
exit { {reason Unspecified} } - thread.tcl


ferror { explanation index } - module.tcl
Print an error message with an indication of the erroneous word and generate an error in the context of the caller.
fifoout2stdout { fifo } - shell.tcl
Callback proc to monitor fifoout and pass data on to stdout fifoin is the stdout of the server for this
fs-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "fs" module provide commands that operate on local and remote file systems.


generate { tag name {params {}} } - event.tcl
Emit an event and execute associated
get_force_opts { arguments } - pms-1.0.tm
get_interfaces { args } - interface-1.0.tm
Get the list of intefaces currently on the
get_mac { iface } - interface-1.0.tm
Get the the mac addess of an
get_mtu { iface } - interface-1.0.tm
Get interface
get_policy { authmode policy } - policy.tcl
Get the $policy policy for $authmode
get_sessionId { } - session.tcl
Finds the session Id of the session on behalf of the caller procedure.
get_state { iface } - interface-1.0.tm
Get interface
getall { argname } - module.tcl
From a list named "arguments" in the context of the caller, find and return in the order they appear, all the values of all the instances of key $key.
getinfo { name } - cli.tcl
Get formatted information about the system.
getlist { } - procedures.tcl
Get the list of currently registered
getLogs { args } - log.tcl
getpos { argname {index 0} } - module.tcl
Find the position on the command line where the value for the argument name $argname appears.
getproc { name } - procedures.tcl
Retrieve a specific registered
getval { argname args } - module.tcl
Global { args } - lib.tcl
This procedure makes it easy to access module shared memory parameters among threads by mapping a local variable to a shared memory variable, and optionally keeping them synchronized as the local variable changes.
Global_update_write { name args } - lib.tcl
Update the value of shared memory variable, when the corresponding local
goto { row {col 1} } - cli.tcl
Set the cursor to (row, col) coordinates.
gotocol { col } - cli.tcl
Set the cursor to col; same row.


handleAction { action } - cli.tcl
Command line editing action
handleCompletion { } - cli.tcl
Implements TAB expansion and display of available options for command names and argument
handleControls { } - cli.tcl
Handle control characters (single byte characters with special meaning) @assume char variable exists on uplevel
handleEscapes { } - cli.tcl
Handle escape sequences: Sequences prepended by escape that have special meaning @assume keybuffer variable exists on uplevel
handleHelp { } - cli.tcl
Displays in-line help for MikroConf commands & arguments.
handleSpecial { char } - cli.tcl
Handle special sequences which start with Ctrl + ^ combination @assume keybuffer variable exists on uplevel
helper.tcl - file found in source
Procedures that facilitate module writting.


iface_print_callback { name } - interface-1.0.tm
Register callback procs to be called when generating interface running-conf
iface_rename_callback { name } - interface-1.0.tm
Register callback procs to be called when renaming an
Info { args } - log.tcl
Info { args } - thread.tcl
init { } - module.tcl
Set-up Module
inittab_reset { } - base-1.0.tm
interface-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "interface" module defines commands for interface configuration.
inuse { name } - sysconf.tcl
Check if a module is in use by some session (user or background or remote), or
invoke { name args } - procedures.tcl
Call a procedure registered in the Event
ipconf-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "ipconf" module is responsible for basic IP
is_bg_session { sid } - session.tcl
Checks if a session is an background session or
is_user_session { sid } - session.tcl
Checks if a session is a user session or
isArgFinal { NO node argList prefix count types values names startstate finalstates curstate prevFinal } - sysconf.tcl
When the cursor is placed on an argument, find whether the command line up and including the word where the cursor is placed, can be executed as it
isCmdFinal { NO node } - sysconf.tcl
When the cursor is placed on a path or command, find whether the command line up and including the word where the cursor is placed, can be executed as it
isdomainname { str } - helper.tcl
Checks that a string is a valid IP domain name.
isemail { str } - helper.tcl
ishostname { str } - helper.tcl
Checks that a string is a valid IP hostname.
isip { str } - helper.tcl
Checks if an string represents a legal IP address (v4 or
isip4 { str } - helper.tcl
Checks if an string represents a legal IPv4
isip6 { str } - helper.tcl
Checks if an string represents a legal IPv6
isipport { port } - helper.tcl
Check if a string is a valid TCP/UDP port
islocked { user } - auth.tcl
Find if a user account is
isrunning { name } - helper.tcl
Find if a certain executable (usually a daemon) is


kernel-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "kernel" module defines command for low level system
kernel_has { feature } - helper.tcl
Check that the running kernel supports a specific
kill { sig ps } - helper.tcl
Send a signal to a process.
kill_shell { shell_pid } - session.tcl
killall { name } - helper.tcl
Kill all processses with the specified name.


lempty { listValue } - lib.tcl
Test if a string is
lib.tcl - file found in source
A library of useful procedures for the Master and Sesssion
lineInput { } - shell.tcl
Configure stdin & stdout for line buffering, stdin for cooked input, and show entered
listen_for_connections { } - session.tcl
listen_for_connections { } - session.tcl
Monitor for incoming control commands.
lldp-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "lldp" module enable layer2 network discovery via the
load { } - storage.tcl
Loads stored information from last boot in the global namespace as an array named "Storage".
loadall { } - module.tcl
Load as many modules as possible from the available ones.
loadConf { {text {}} } - sysconf.tcl
Apply Startup Config, resulting in Running Config == Startup Config.
loaded { } - module.tcl
Return all loaded modules in order of first to last
loadprocs { } - policy.tcl
Load all registered procedures to this
loadspecs { filepath } - sysconf.tcl
Load command specifications from an XML file into the internal data representation.
lock { user } - auth.tcl
Lock a user account: Cannot be used to login.
log { severity args } - log.tcl
It formats a message and logs it to syslog.
log.tcl - file found in source
Library for sending and receiving formatted messages to
login { {user {}} } - auth.tcl
lremove { listName item } - lib.tcl
Remove an item from a list.


main.tcl - file found in source
This is the entry point for MikroConf daemon.
makePrompt { } - cli.tcl
Render the prompt from the prompt specifications set in PROMPT Shared Global Variable.
makeroot { user } - auth.tcl
Give root privileges to a user account.
match { sid options cmdline wordIndex } - sysconf.tcl
It looks for MikroConf commands and arguments that can be placed in the word that the cursor is pointing at, and have as prefix the existing word part.
Module { args } - lib.tcl
This procedure makes it easy to access global shared memory parameters by mapping a local variable to a shared memory variable, and keeping them
module.tcl - file found in source
MikroConf modules are regular Tcl packages, that are loaded using the newer "Tcl modules" mechanism.
Module_update_write { name args } - lib.tcl
Update the value of shared memory variable, when the corresponding local
more { args } - thread.tcl
Like 'puts' but automatically switches to --more-- functionality when the string to be printed is going to take more lines than those available on the remote terminal screen.
mqsync { } - log.tcl
Force processing of buffered


name_is_ok { user } - auth.tcl
Verify that username string is syntactically correct (length, character composition, etc).
nbgets { args } - thread.tcl
A 'gets' wrapper to simulate the behavior of Tcl's gets command when operating on a nonblocking non-canonical channel, which is what stdin is in a Session thread.
nbgets_event { channel param } - thread.tcl
Fileevent handler to process and record user
new_connection { con } - session.tcl
new_message { id } - session.tcl
nextState { NO node curstate symbol } - sysconf.tcl
Returns the state of the automaton after consuming $symbol from
notEscaped { } - cli.tcl
We check if a '?' that is pressed is preceeded by '\', in which case it loses its special
Notice { args } - log.tcl
Notice { args } - thread.tcl
ntp-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "ntp" module defines commands for clock configuration, calendar, and Network Time Protocol (NTP) Client
num2class { num } - lldp-1.0.tm


OnError { level {name {}} } - module.tcl
Convenience procedure that catch and logs
OnError_leave_trace { args } - module.tcl


parseconf { gvar filepath args } - helper.tcl
pass_is_ok { pass } - auth.tcl
Verify that password string is syntactically correct (length, character composition, etc).
passwd { user newpass {nocrypt {}} } - auth.tcl
Change user password, without asking for the old one.
pidof { name } - helper.tcl
Return a list of process ids for all the processes with executable
pms-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "pms" module enables Package Management System (PMS) operations.
policy { authmode } - policy.tcl
Creates a safe interpreter used to evaluate user's in-line scripting and applies a security policy to it.
policy.tcl - file found in source
Procedures to safe interpreter policies in Slave interpreters.
popbuf { {num all} } - thread.tcl
Retrieve pending messages to be
popClose { popsock } - email.tcl
Close an open connection with a POP3
popCount { popsock } - email.tcl
Return the number of new/unread emails in the
popDelete { popsock index } - email.tcl
Delete an email from the POP3
popOpen { server port username password } - email.tcl
Open a connection with a POP3
popRead { popsock } - email.tcl
Retrieve all new emails via
pos2index { lst pos } - cli.tcl
Returns the index in the list of the item that the string position $pos points to.
print { {arguments {}} {query {}} } - sysconf.tcl
Return the running configuration as XML, or a subparts of it, depetermined by a XPath
print_BannerLogin { } - base-1.0.tm
print_BannerMotd { } - base-1.0.tm
print_BannerPrivilege { } - base-1.0.tm
print_BannerUser { } - base-1.0.tm
print_ClockSummertime { } - ntp-1.0.tm
print_ClockTimezone { } - ntp-1.0.tm
print_dhcpConf { iface } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_EnablePassword { } - base-1.0.tm
print_Hostname { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_ifaceConf { iface } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_Interface { } - interface-1.0.tm
print_IpDomainlookup { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_IpDomainname { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_IpHost { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_IpNameserver { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_IpRoute { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
print_KernelModule { } - kernel-1.0.tm
print_LineConsole { } - base-1.0.tm
print_LineVty { } - vty-1.0.tm
print_LldpClass { } - lldp-1.0.tm
print_LldpProtocols { } - lldp-1.0.tm
print_LldpRun { } - lldp-1.0.tm
print_LldpVlan { } - lldp-1.0.tm
print_LoggingBuffer { } - syslog-1.0.tm
print_LoggingConsole { } - syslog-1.0.tm
print_LoggingHost { } - syslog-1.0.tm
print_LoggingTrap { } - syslog-1.0.tm
print_MountDevice { } - fs-1.0.tm
print_MountNfs { } - fs-1.0.tm
print_MountSwap { } - fs-1.0.tm
print_NtpSever { } - ntp-1.0.tm
print_pms_configuration { } - pms-1.0.tm
print_RegProc { } - base-1.0.tm
print_RenameInterface { } - interface-1.0.tm
print_TermAnsi_config { } - base-1.0.tm
print_TermFlow_config { } - base-1.0.tm
print_TermHistory_config { } - base-1.0.tm
print_TermMonitor_config { } - syslog-1.0.tm
print_TermPrompt_config { } - base-1.0.tm
print_TermSynch_config { } - base-1.0.tm
print_Username { } - base-1.0.tm
procedures.tcl - file found in source
A library for managing user defined procedures within a session and across sessions.
prompt { type } - cli.tcl
This procedure prints the existing command text and command prompt.
provide { name {ver {}} } - module.tcl
Declare that a module is provided.
proxy { sid from to } - session.tcl
Proxy input from channel $from to channel $to, while inspecting forwarded data and taking actions as necessary.
pty.tcl - file found in source
Execute an external system command on its own PTY.
ptyexec { args } - module.tcl
Wrapper for ptyexec.
ptyexec { args } - pty.tcl
Execute an external program like "exec" does, but in its own PTY.
ptykill { } - pty.tcl
Kill an ongoing ptyexec
ptyresize { } - pty.tcl
Resize the window size of the PTY of an ongoing ptyexec
pushbuf { txt } - thread.tcl
If prompt is busy executing some command, buffer incoming messages for printing.
puts { args } - module.tcl


quit { {msg {}} } - shell.tcl
Called instead of 'exit' to restore proper terminal settings.


rawInput { } - shell.tcl
Configure stdin & stdout for no buffering, stdin for raw input, and hide entered
readbuf { txt } - cli.tcl
Return and remove the first character from a FILO string.
ready { } - cli.tcl
The main procedure to listen and handle command line input.
register { sid name } - procedures.tcl
Register a previously declared procedure (using the 'proc' Tcl command).
register_new_fifos { pid } - session.tcl
Assign a new pair of FIFOs for a new connection request for a User
reloadall { } - module.tcl
Reload all module code.
remove { name } - sysconf.tcl
Remove all command specifications associated with a module
remove_spaces { cmdline cursor } - cli.tcl
Remove unecessary spaces between words on the command line.
removeline { filepath pattern } - helper.tcl
Remove lines from a file that match a given pattern.
rename_dhcpConf { from to } - ipconf-1.0.tm
rename_ifaceConf { from to } - ipconf-1.0.tm
require { name args } - module.tcl
Load a required module, and its dependencies.
reset { } - base-1.0.tm
reset { } - fs-1.0.tm
reset { } - interface-1.0.tm
reset { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
reset { } - kernel-1.0.tm
reset { } - lldp-1.0.tm
reset { name } - module.tcl
Initialize a module's configuration state.
reset { } - ntp-1.0.tm
reset { } - pms-1.0.tm
reset { } - shell.tcl
Called when SIGUSR1 arrives.
reset { } - syslog-1.0.tm
reset { } - tools-1.0.tm
reset { } - vty-1.0.tm
resetall { } - module.tcl
Initialize the configuration state of the whole system (all loaded modules).
resize { } - shell.tcl
Called either explicitly, or when SIGUSR2 arrives.
restore_stdin { args } - shell.tcl
Execution trace to restore redirection of stdin to FIFO, and other stdin
runningConf { {parent root} } - sysconf.tcl
Generate the Running


saveConf { } - sysconf.tcl
Write Running Config to Startup Config
scripting { action } - policy.tcl
Activates/Deactivates/Resets in-line scripting on the fly.
secs2age { secs {format -full} } - helper.tcl
Convert a duration in secs to a string describing the duration, involving days, hours, mins & secs.
send_command { args } - shell.tcl
send_command { args } - shell.tcl
Send a command to MikroConf server and receive the responce.
Session { args } - lib.tcl
This procedure makes it easy to access shared memory session parameters, by mapping a local variable to a shared memory variable, and keeping them synchronized.
session.tcl - file found in source
Create, manage, query and terminate user and background
Session_update_write { name args } - lib.tcl
Update the value of shared memory variable, when the corresponding local
seval { script } - module.tcl
Evaluate a script like "eval" but on a Session interpreter.
severity2num { sev } - log.tcl
Convert a severity expressed as a number 0-7, to the equivalent
severity2str { num } - log.tcl
Convert a severity expressed as a number 0-7, to the equivalent
sflush { args } - helper.tcl
Access the version of "flush" of the
sgets { args } - helper.tcl
Access the version of "gets" of the
shell.tcl - file found in source
A shell to start a session with a local MikroConf Server.
sigwinch { } - shell.tcl
Send a resize command to the server to update the window size for this session.
slave_all { slave name args } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for all the commands that don't have a wrapper of their
slave_bgerror { slave msg } - policy.tcl
Error handling procedure for slave
slave_fconfigure { slave channelId args } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for 'fconfigure' We don't allow the user to mess up with the fconfigure settings of stdout, stderr and stdin.
slave_fileevent { slave channelId args } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for 'fileevent' We don't allow the user to mess up with the fconfigure settings of stdout, stderr and stdin.
slave_flush { slave channelId } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for 'flush' We don't allow the user to mess up with stdout, stderr and stdin.
slave_gets { slave args } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for 'gets' to use the version of the
slave_proc { slave args } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for 'proc' that enforce naming restrictions on user-defined
slave_read { slave args } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for 'read' We don't allow the user to read from stdin.
slave_rename { slave args } - policy.tcl
Wrapper for 'rename' that enforce naming restrictions on user-defined
slave_unknown { slave args } - policy.tcl
This is the unknown procedure on the Slave, linked here as an alias.
smtpSend { sender recipients subject body server port {username {}} {password {}} } - email.tcl
Send an email via
sputs { args } - helper.tcl
Access the version of "puts" of the
sread { args } - helper.tcl
Access the version of "read" of the
startupConf { } - sysconf.tcl
Retrieve Startup
stdin2fifoin { fifo } - shell.tcl
Callback proc to monitor stdin and pass data on to fifoin fifoin is the stdin of the server for this
storage.tcl - file found in source
Persistent storage across reboots.
sysconf.tcl - file found in source
Procedures for handling MikroConf command specifications.
syslog-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "syslog" module defines commands for system logging (syslog) and terminal/console logging.
syslog_monitor { prog handler } - log.tcl
Register a proc to be called whenever a particular application logs something to syslog.
syslog_mq_hdlr { queue command } - log.tcl
Handler for the syslog message queue.


thread.tcl - file found in source
This is the entry point for every new MikroConf
timeout { secs script } - helper.tcl
Execute a script in the context of the caller, but wait up to $secs number of secs for the script to finish evaluation.
tools-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "tools" module provides commands to aid network and host troubleshooting.


udhcpc_reset { iface } - ipconf-1.0.tm
unbind { bindid } - event.tcl
Unregister a previously registered
unknown { args } - thread.tcl
This version of unknown looks for the unknown procedure on the Master thread and if found, executes it there and bring back the result.
unload { } - storage.tcl
Unloads Storage from the global namespace and invokes "update" to save it.
unlock { user } - auth.tcl
Unlock a user account: Can be used to login.
unregister { name } - procedures.tcl
Unregister a previously registered procedure.
update { args } - storage.tcl
Invoked with a trace when-ever Storage is modified.
update_lldpd { } - lldp-1.0.tm
update_syslogd { } - syslog-1.0.tm
use_username { used } - vty-1.0.tm
user_exists { user } - auth.tcl
Check if a username is used in the
user_sessions { } - session.tcl
Get list of sids of user


verify { user pass } - auth.tcl
Verify that supplied username and password is
version { } - base-1.0.tm
version { } - fs-1.0.tm
version { } - interface-1.0.tm
version { } - ipconf-1.0.tm
version { } - kernel-1.0.tm
version { } - lldp-1.0.tm
version { name } - module.tcl
Return the version of a loaded module.
version { } - ntp-1.0.tm
version { } - pms-1.0.tm
version { } - syslog-1.0.tm
version { } - tools-1.0.tm
version { } - vty-1.0.tm
vty-1.0.tm - file found in source/modules
The "vty" module enables remote login.
vty_reset { } - vty-1.0.tm


Warning { args } - log.tcl
Warning { args } - thread.tcl
welcome { } - shell.tcl
Print welcome
winsize { } - shell.tcl
Find the current window dimentions of the remote terminal screen.

Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation
File generated 2010-03-13 at 22:28.