Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation

main.tcl Annotations

Created from source/main.tcl
This is the entry point for MikroConf daemon. Various initialization operations are performed here. @assume MikroConf is started with a symlink that points to main.tcl in BASE_DIR. @assume The required Tcl packages can be found in the default auto_path

Procedure Summary
bgerror { msg }
          Background error handling procedure for the Master
cleanup { }
          Prepare MikroConf server for shutdown/reload, cleaning up
errorproc { threadId stacktrace }
          Custom errorproc to handle background errors arrising from asynchronous script executions between threads.
exit { {code 0} {reason Unspecified} }
          True 'exit'

Procedure Detail


proc bgerror { msg }
Background error handling procedure for the Master interpreter
msg - The error message to display
Defined in:
main.tcl, line 402


proc cleanup {  }
Prepare MikroConf server for shutdown/reload, cleaning up state.
Defined in:
main.tcl, line 356


proc errorproc { threadId stacktrace }
Custom errorproc to handle background errors arrising from asynchronous script executions between threads. If we don't use one, then errors are printed to stderr. bgerror is executed as well, after this.
threadId - Thread Id.
stacktrace - Error info.
Defined in:
main.tcl, line 426


proc exit { {code 0} {reason Unspecified} }
True 'exit' function.This is a wrapper.
code - exit code, defalts to 0.
reason - The reason for MikroConf termination.
Defined in:
main.tcl, line 380

Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation
File generated 2010-03-13 at 22:28.