Procedure Summary |
Alert { args } |
bgerror { msg } Our own error handling procedure for the Master |
bufsize { } Retrieve the number of pending |
cleanup { } Called on session termination to clean up memory |
Critical { args } |
Debug { args } |
Emergency { args } |
Error { args } |
errorproc { threadId errorInfo } Custom errorproc to handle background errors arrising from asynchronous script executions between threads. |
exit { {reason Unspecified} } Terminate |
Info { args } |
more { args } Like 'puts' but automatically switches to --more-- functionality when the string to be printed is going to take more lines than those available on the remote terminal screen. |
nbgets { args } A 'gets' wrapper to simulate the behavior of Tcl's gets command when operating on a nonblocking non-canonical channel, which is what stdin is in a Session thread. |
nbgets_event { channel param } Fileevent handler to process and record user |
Notice { args } |
popbuf { {num all} } Retrieve pending messages to be |
pushbuf { txt } If prompt is busy executing some command, buffer incoming messages for printing. |
unknown { args } This version of unknown looks for the unknown procedure on the Master thread and if found, executes it there and bring back the result. |
Warning { args } |
Procedure Detail |
proc Alert { args }
proc bgerror { msg }
- The error message to display
proc bufsize { }
proc cleanup { }
proc Critical { args }
proc Debug { args }
proc Emergency { args }
proc Error { args }
proc errorproc { threadId errorInfo }
- Thread Id.
- Error info.
proc exit { {reason Unspecified} }
- Reason for termination.
proc Info { args }
proc more { args }
- The normal arguments for the 'puts' command.
proc nbgets { args }
proc nbgets_event { channel param }
- The channel user input is coming from.
- A serialized array with the parameters supported by "nbgets".
proc Notice { args }
proc popbuf { {num all} }
- The number of messages to retrieve (the oldest ones). If {} then all messages are retrieved.
proc pushbuf { txt }
- The message to be printed.
proc unknown { args }
- The regular arguments to unknown.
proc Warning { args }