Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation
session.tcl (annotations | original source)

#    Copyright (C) 2010 Alexandros Stergiakis <alsterg@gmail.com>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#  Create, manage, query and terminate user and background sessions.

package require comm 4.6.1 ;# Tcllib

namespace eval session {
    namespace export close_session \
                                    current_session \
                                    user_sessions \
                                    bg_sessions \
                                    Session \
                                    set_current_session \
                                    is_user_session \
                                    is_bg_session \
                                    close_all_user_sessions \
                                    close_all_bg_sessions \
                                    listen_for_connections \
                                    create_bg_session \

# The following variables store threadIds
variable conSessions {} ;# List of active local console user session IDs
variable vtySessions {} ;# List of active remote (VTY) user session IDs
variable bgSessions {} ;# List of active background sessions IDs

# Connection ID => Session ID
variable CID2SID
array set CID2SID {}

# Connection Control

proc new_message {id} {
    variable CID2SID
    if {[gets $id buffer] == -1} {
        if {[eof $id]} {
            close_session $::session::CID2SID($id) "Connection was lost with shell \"$id\""
        return ;# fblocked probably
    log::Debug "Received command from \"$id\":" $buffer
    if {[catch {
        switch -exact -- [lindex $buffer 0] {
            register { ;# "register" pid username type cols rows
                lassign [lrange $buffer 1 end] pid username type cols rows
                if {$type ne "console" && [llength $::session::vtySessions] >= [tsv::get conf SOFT_MAX_SESSIONS]} {
                    log::Warning -error "Limit reached for concurrent remote sessions"
                if {$type eq "console" && [llength $::session::conSessions] >= 1} {
                    log::Warning -error "Only one console session is allows at any time"
                set pid [lindex $buffer 1]
                set fifos [::session::register_new_fifos $pid]
                # Schedule create_user_session for execution at an idle time, so that we first return
                # (sending the response back), and then create_user_session is executed.
                after idle [list ::session::create_user_session $pid $id $fifos $username $type $cols $rows]
                log::Debug "Shell" $pid "Sending response: " $fifos
                puts $id $fifos
            ping {
                puts $id pong
            resize { ;# "resize" $COLS $ROWS
                set sid $::session::CID2SID($id)
                tsv::set $sid COLUMNS [lindex $buffer 1]
                tsv::set $sid ROWS [lindex $buffer 2]
                # No need to wait for the following. If there is a failure, we can do nothing about it.
                thread::send -async $sid ::pty::ptyresize
                thread::send -async $sid [list ::cli::handleAction RedrawLine]
            default {
                log::Warning -error "Unknown command:" $buffer
    } errMsg]} {
        # Send to the other party the error, so it can print it on the terminal.
        puts $id $errMsg
        if {[info exists CID2SID($id)]} {
            close_session $CID2SID($id) $errMsg
        } else {
            close $id

proc new_connection {con} {
    log::Info "New connection with ID: $con"
    chan event $con readable [list ::session::new_message $con]
    fconfigure $con -blocking 0 -buffering line

if {0} {# Not working.
proc listen_for_connections {} {
    Global SERVER_PORT
    log::Debug "Opening control socket: $SERVER_PORT"
    set fd [unix_sockets::listen $SERVER_PORT ::session::new_connection]
    fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -buffering line

# Monitor for incoming control commands.
# We generate some errors, but mostly we let the errors generated by the procedures used herein
# to propagate back to the caller (a shell or watchdog).
# @error
proc listen_for_connections {} {
    Global SERVER_PORT
    log::Debug "Opening control socket"

    ::comm::comm config -port $SERVER_PORT -listen 1 -silent 0

    :::comm::comm hook incoming {
        log::Debug "Incomming connection from ${addr}:${remport}"

    :::comm::comm hook eval {
        set buffer [lindex $buffer 0] ;# Because the command comes like this: {{command}}
        log::Debug "Received command:" $buffer

        switch -exact -- [lindex $buffer 0] {
            register { ;# "register" pid username type cols rows
                lassign [lrange $buffer 1 end] pid username type cols rows

                if {$type ne "console" && [llength $::session::vtySessions] >= [tsv::get conf SOFT_MAX_SESSIONS]} {
                    log::Warning -error "Limit reached for concurrent remote sessions"

                if {$type eq "console" && [llength $::session::conSessions] >= 1} {
                    log::Warning -error "Only one console session is allows at any time"

                set pid [lindex $buffer 1]
                set fifos [::session::register_new_fifos $pid]
                # Schedule create_user_session for execution at an idle time, so that we first return
                # (sending the response back), and then create_user_session is executed.
                after idle [list ::session::create_user_session $pid $id $fifos $username $type $cols $rows]
                log::Debug "Shell" $pid "Sending response: " $fifos
                return $fifos
            ping {
                return pong
            resize { ;# "resize" $COLS $ROWS
                set sid $::session::CID2SID($id)
                tsv::set $sid COLUMNS [lindex $buffer 1]
                tsv::set $sid ROWS [lindex $buffer 2]

                # No need to wait for the following. If there is a failure, we can do nothing about it.
                thread::send -async $sid ::pty::ptyresize
                thread::send -async $sid [list ::cli::handleAction RedrawLine]

            default {
                log::Warning -error "Unknown command:" $buffer

    :::comm::comm hook lost {
        return [close_session $::session::CID2SID($id) $reason]

# Session creation

# Assign a new pair of FIFOs for a new connection request for a User session.
# @param pid The pid of the requesting shell
# @return A pair of assigned fifos to communicate with the shell.
# @error
proc register_new_fifos {pid} {
    Global FIFO_DIR
    log::Debug "Shell" $pid "Registering new FIFO pair"
    set fifoInFile [file join $FIFO_DIR in${pid}]
    set fifoOutFile [file join $FIFO_DIR out${pid}]
    catch { file delete $fifoInFile $fifoOutFile }

    log::Debug "Shell" $pid "Creating FIFO files"
    if {! [file exists $fifoInFile]} { ;# Just in case
        if {[catch {
            exec mkfifo -m 622 $fifoInFile ;# Shell has to write its stdin to this fifo
        } errMsg errStack]} {
            log::Error -error -stack $errStack "Could not create input FIFO: " $errMsg
    if {! [file exists $fifoOutFile]} { ;# Just in case
        if {[catch {
            exec mkfifo -m 644 $fifoOutFile ;# Shell has to read its stdout from this fifo
        } errMsg errStack]} {
            catch { file delete $fifoInFile }
            log::Error -error -stack $errStack "Could not create output FIFO: " $errMsg
    return [list $fifoInFile $fifoOutFile]

# Establish a connection with a shell and set up a new user session
# @assume authmode 'user authmode and confmode 'entry' exist. They should be created by 'base' module.
# @param pid The pid of the requesting shell.
# @param cid The connection Id as returned by ::comm::comm self.
# @param fifos A tuple: {input_fifo output_fifo} assigned to the shell.
# @param type The type of user session. Supported types: "console" "vty"
# @param username The name of the user connected to this session.
# @param COLS Reported number of supported columns in the user terminal.
# @param ROWS Reported number of supported rows in the user terminal.
# @return The session Id of the newly created user session.
# @error
proc create_user_session {pid cid fifos username type COLS ROWS} {
    variable vtySessions
    variable conSessions
    variable CID2SID

    log::Info "New user session request for \"$username\" (pid: $pid) (interpreter: $cid)"
    lassign $fifos fifoInFile fifoOutFile
    if {[catch {
        ::helper::timeout $SESSION_TIMEOUT {        
            log::Debug "Shell" $pid "Opening $fifoInFile channel for reading"
            set fifoIn [open $fifoInFile r] ;# can block.
            fconfigure $fifoIn -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
            log::Debug "Shell" $pid "Opening $fifoOutFile channel for writing"
            set fifoOut [open $fifoOutFile w] ;# can block.
            fconfigure $fifoOut -blocking 1 -buffering none -translation binary
            log::Debug "Shell" $pid "Opening $fifoOutFile channel for writing second time"
            set fifoOut2 [open $fifoOutFile w] ;# will not block.
            fconfigure $fifoOut2 -blocking 1 -buffering none -translation binary
        # Note: We have the following checks after FIFOs have been opened, so that we can print on the output FIFO
        #            in order to provide feedback to the user.
        # Check for ROWS/COLS out of bounds
        if {! [string is integer $COLS] || $COLS > $COLS_MAX  || $COLS < $COLS_MIN} {
            puts $fifoOut "The provided number of supported screen columns is either too large or too small." ;# Blocks
            log::Error -error "Shell" $pid "Number of columns out of bounds"
        if {! [string is integer $ROWS] || $ROWS > $ROWS_MAX  || $ROWS < $ROWS_MIN} {
            puts $fifoOut "The provided number of supported screen rows is either too large or too small." ;# Blocks
            log::Error -error "Shell" $pid "Number of rows out of bounds"
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        # Either timeout or error. Do clean-up
        catch {close $fifoIn}
        catch {close $fifoOut}
        catch {close $fifoOut2}
        catch { file delete $fifoInFile $fifoOutFile }
        log::Error -error -stack $errStack "Shell" $pid "Failed to establish shell connection" $errMsg
    # Creating new working thread.
    set sid [thread::create]
    thread::send $sid "set ptid [thread::id]"

    # Opening pipe to proxy Stdin.
    pipe pipe_r pipe_w
    fconfigure $pipe_r -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
    fconfigure $pipe_w -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary

    # Transfer I/O to the thread
    thread::transfer $sid $pipe_r
    thread::transfer $sid $fifoOut
    # Establishing Stdin proxy.
    set ::session::special_$sid 0 ;# needed by ::session::proxy
    fileevent $fifoIn readable [list ::session::proxy $sid $fifoIn $pipe_w]
    # All state information for a session is confined within a unique shared memory array,
    # this allows for easy access from both the Session and the Master threads.

    # USERNAME : The unix account name for the user using the MikroConf shell and connected
    #                           to this session.
    # AUTHROOT : The AUTHMODE to use as the tree of all authentication modes, meaning that
    #                           the user cannot go on any of its ancestor AUTHMODEs with 'disable'.
    #                           This is the mode the user (or background) session enters to upon creation.
    #                           Must be set to something. No empty list.
    # CONFROOT : The CONFMODE to use as the tree of all configuration modes, meaning that
    #                           the user cannot go on any of its ancestor CONFMODEs with 'exit'.
    #                           This is the mode the user (or background) session enters to upon creation.
    #                           Must be set to something. No empty list.
    # POLICY : If set then this policy is enforced in all authentication modes, otherwise a session
    #                   that depends on the current AUTHMODE is enforced (or if not specified, the 'default'
    #                   policy is used).
    # SHELL_PID : The pid of the connecting shell
    # SHELL_CID : The connection id for this shell
    # USER : Flag to indicate that it is a user session (or not)
    # STDIN_W : The write part of the pipe where user input from the Master to the Session is redirected to.
    # STDIN_R : The channel that corresponds to the stdin FIFO. This is listened upon by Master and
    #                      redirected to Session. We need this Stdin redirection, in order for the Master to "see"
    #                      when the user presses the Ctlr ^ + x combination, to act accordingly. This is necessary
    #                      because if the Session event loop is blocked (e.g. from a user script in Slave), then
    #                      only master can sense this key combination and restart the blocked session.
    # FIFOINFILE : The full path for the fifo action as stdin
    # FIFOOUTFILE : The full path for the fifo action as stdout
    # STDIN : The channel where Session will listen for User input. This is the the read part of the
    #                 redirection pipe.
    # STDOUT : The channel that corresponds to the stdout FIFO
    # STDOUT2 : A second channel that corresponds to the same STDOUT FIFO. It is used by  
    #                       Master to send async messages for this session, regardless of the state of the transfered
    #                       I/O to the Session interpreter. It is necessary because ::thread package allows us only to
    #                       transfer I/O to other threads, but not share. On the other hand we cannot send the logs for
    #                       printing of the event loop of the Slave, because Slave is allowed to block, and these messages
    #                       will not be printed asynchronously. In fact, sending the printing job to the Slave event loop, is
    #                       what we do when user asks for synchronous delivery of log/debug messages. 
    # CREATED : Time this connection was established
    # ROWS : The number of rows supported by the terminal as reported by the MikroConf Shell
    # COLUMNS : The number of columns supported by the terminal as reported by the MikroConf Shell
    # INLINE : Reflects the state of the in-line scription functionality. Enabled/Disabled. It also
    #               specifies the desired default setting (upon user login).
    # TRYCONNECT : Assume that unknown single-words commands are hostnames, and attempt to
    #                               connect to them via telnet.
    # FLOW : If set, flow control is enabled for text printed on the console. If it does not fit in a screen-full,
    #               printing is paused and user can control the flow. Flow control is always dissabled for event
    #               sessions.
    # MONITOR : Whether to print logs and debug messages on the terminal. If set, such messages are printed.
    #               Otherwise they can only be views by inspecting the logs.
    # LAG : Time in ms to delay after a command is executed (any command or procedure). This safeguards
    #               against accidental DoS attacks from the command line, by executing a script that consumes all the CPU.
    #               Bare in mind that some commands internally execute other commands, hence the overal lag
    #               is accumulated. For example "for" executes one time its first argument, and on every iteration
    #               its second and third (which can in turn consist of many subcommands).
    # ANSI : Enable ANSI escape codes for colors, bold, underline, blinking etc..
    tsv::set $sid USERNAME $username
    tsv::set $sid AUTHROOT {user}
    tsv::set $sid CONFROOT {entry}
    tsv::set $sid POLICY {}
    tsv::set $sid SHELL_PID $pid
    tsv::set $sid SHELL_CID $cid
    tsv::set $sid USER 1
    tsv::set $sid STDIN_W $pipe_w
    tsv::set $sid STDIN_R $fifoIn
    tsv::set $sid FIFOINFILE $fifoInFile
    tsv::set $sid FIFOOUTFILE $fifoOutFile
    tsv::set $sid STDIN $pipe_r
    tsv::set $sid STDOUT $fifoOut
    tsv::set $sid STDOUT2 $fifoOut2
    tsv::set $sid CREATED [clock seconds]
    tsv::set $sid ROWS $ROWS
    tsv::set $sid COLUMNS $COLS
    tsv::set $sid INLINE 0 ;# Disabled for user sessions by default.
    tsv::set $sid TRYCONNECT 1
    tsv::set $sid FLOW $FLOW_DEF
    tsv::set $sid ANSI $ANSI_DEF
    tsv::set $sid MONITOR $MONITOR_DEF
    tsv::set $sid LAG 2
    common_state $sid ;# Remaining variables
    # We use for Session Id the thread Id or the thread responsible for this session
    # thread.tcl can return an error
    if {[catch {
        thread::send $sid [list source [file join $BASE_DIR thread.tcl]]
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        # Any SLAVE interp, fileevents, and open descriptors will die automatically.
        catch {close $pipe_w}
        catch {close $fifoIn}
        catch {close $fifoOut2}
        catch { file delete $fifoInFile $fifoOutFile }
        thread::release $sid
        tsv::unset $sid
        log::Critical -error -stack $errStack "Shell" $pid "User session failed to start: " $errMsg
    # Set initial root AUTHMODE and CONFMODE
    sysconf authmode $sid init
    sysconf confmode $sid init
    set CID2SID($cid) $sid
    switch -exact -- $type {
        console { lappend conSessions $sid }
        vty { lappend vtySessions $sid }
        default { error "Unsupported session type: $type" }

    # Print User Banner
    Global USER_BANNER
    thread::send -async $sid [list puts -nonewline [? [lempty $USER_BANNER] "" "${USER_BANNER}\n"]]
    # Generated after a new user session has started.
    # Handy for printing a welcome message, logs, past connections, and other information.
    # @param The session ID.
    # @param The unix account name of the just logged-in user.
    # @param The session type
    event generate USER_SESSION STARTED [list $sid $username $type]

    # Since this is a user session, load the command line interface.
    # We didn't include this in thread.tcl, because we want thread.tcl to be session-type neutral.
    thread::send $sid [list source [file join $BASE_DIR cli.tcl]]
    log::Debug "New user session created with session id \"$sid\" of type \"$type\""

    return $sid

# Create a background session, which is event-driver and not user-driver.
# @assume authmode 'priv' and confmode 'global' exist. They should be created by 'base' module.
# @param username A symbolic name to distinguize this particular background session. By convention \
it should be in capitals, so that no user account can have the same name (unix user accounts can only \
have low case letters).
# @param authmode The authmode to enter to, and the relative root of authmodes to set. Default is "priv"
# @param confmode The confmode to enter to, and the relative root of confmodes to set. Default is "global"
# @return The session Id of the newly created user session.
proc create_bg_session {username {authmode {priv}} {confmode {global}}} {
    variable bgSessions
    log::Debug "New Background session request for \"$username\""
    # Note: Until after setup_state is called, don't use 'log' or anything that uses our version of 'puts'
    # /dev/zero does not activate the readable handler when input is requested with 'read <chan>' as
    # opposed to 'read <chan> <num>', whereas /dev/null always terminates the handler with an EOF.
    set fdin [open [file join $DEV_DIR zero] r]
    fconfigure $fdin -blocking 0 -buffering line -translation binary
    # Note: We don't write output to a file, which we can monitor, because the user can generate
    # meaningless output that will be captured by this file and consume resources unecessarily.
    # Since the Event session is not interactive, output should not occur there at first place. Any
    # important information should be logged instead.
    set fdout [open [file join $DEV_DIR null] w]
    fconfigure $fdout -blocking 0 -buffering full -translation binary

    set sid [thread::create]
    thread::send $sid "set ptid [thread::id]"

    # Note: No limit for the number of parallel background sessions
    tsv::set $sid USERNAME $username
    tsv::set $sid AUTHROOT $authmode
    tsv::set $sid CONFROOT $confmode
    tsv::set $sid POLICY {bg} ;# special policy for event sessions
    tsv::set $sid USER 0
    tsv::set $sid FIFOINFILE [file join $DEV_DIR zero]
    tsv::set $sid FIFOOUTFILE [file join $DEV_DIR null]
    tsv::set $sid STDIN $fdin
    tsv::set $sid STDOUT $fdout
    tsv::set $sid CREATED [clock seconds]
    tsv::set $sid ROWS $DEFAULT_ROWS
    tsv::set $sid COLUMNS $DEFAULT_COLS
    tsv::set $sid INLINE 1 ;# This is necessary in order for registered procedures to be evaluated.
    tsv::set $sid TRYCONNECT 0
    tsv::set $sid FLOW 0
    tsv::set $sid MONITOR 0
    tsv::set $sid LAG 0 ;# No lag for background sessions.
    tsv::set $sid ANSI 0
    common_state $sid ;# Remaining variables

    # Transfer I/O to the thread
    thread::transfer $sid $fdin
    thread::transfer $sid $fdout

    # We use for Session Id the thread Id or the thread responsible for this session
    # thread.tcl can return an error
    if {[catch {
        thread::send $sid [list source [file join $BASE_DIR thread.tcl]]
    } rerrMsg errStack]} {
        # Any SLAVE interp, fileevents, and open descriptors will die automatically.
        catch {close $fdin}
        catch {close $fdout}
        thread::release $sid
        tsv::unset $sid
        log::Emergency -error -stack $errStack "Background session failed to start (session Id: $sid): " $rerrMsg

    # Set initial root AUTHMODE and CONFMODE
    sysconf authmode $sid init
    sysconf confmode $sid init
    lappend bgSessions $sid
    # Note: We don't load cli.tcl in background sessions, as there is no user interaction.

    log::Debug "New background session created with session id: $sid"
    # Generated after a new background session has started.
    # This is helpful for executing session start-up actions for event sessions.
    # @param The session ID.
    event generate BACKGROUND_SESSION STARTED $sid
    return $sid

# Set up a number of shared variables common for both 'user' and 'background' session types.
# @param sid Session id
proc common_state {sid} {
    # SID : The Session ID. We use this unique identification of a session for multiple purposes:
    #           * It is the thread Id of the Session thread.
    #           * The name of the Slave interpreter.
    #           * The shared memory area reserved for a particular session.
    #           * To identify the session as a whole.
    # SLAVE : The name a slave interpreter to handle evaluation of in-line Tcl. We use the same name as the Thread (or session) id
    # CONFMODE: The name for the current configuration mode the session is currently in.
    # CONFSTRING: Prompt to indicate the current CONFMODE; e.g (conf), (rip), (ospf)
    # CONFSTORE: A place to store information regarding the current confmode. e.g. store the interface name when in interface configuration mode.
    # AUTHMODE: The name for the current authentication mode the session is currently in.
    # AUTHSTRING: Prompt to indicate the current CONFMODE; e.g >, #
    # HISTORY: The history buffer where previous commands are stored in a list format.
    # HISTORY_SIZE: Max number of entries maintained in the history buffer.
    # HISTORY_LEVEL: Where browsing the history with UP/DOWN keys, store the reletive position within the history that we are.
    #                                    zero coresponds to no browsing at all (the currently edited command). The number increases to show the first in the past, second etc.
    # HISTORY_ENTRIES: Number of entries stored in the history buffer at any moment. This increases with every unique command entered until it reaches the size of history buffer.
    # HIST_SUBSTITUTIONS : Whether to enable history substitutions: !! !n !prefix ^old^new
    # COMMANDS: The Tcl commands present on the slave at the time of its creation. This list includes the ALIASES below.
    # ALIASES: The Tcl commands on the slave that are aliases at the time of its creation.
    # HIDDEN: The Tcl commands on the slave that are hidden at the time of its creation.
    # PROMPT: How the system prompt should look like. The following elements are supported:
    #   %%  :   The percent character
    #   %u  :   The name of the user logged-in
    #   %h  :   Local host name
    #   %d  :   Local domain name
    #   %p  :   The AUTHMODE character, such as > for userlevel and # for privileged level
    #   %c  :   The CONFMODE string, such as "(conf)" or "(rip)"
    #   %s  :   Space character
    #   %t  :   Tab character
    #   %n  :   New line
    #   %D  :   Present date in %d/%m/%Y format
    #   %T  :   Present time in %H:%M format
    #   %M   :   The machine (hardware) type (uname)
    #   %R   :   OS release (uname)
    #   %N   :   OS name (uname)
    #   %V   :   OS version (uname)
    #   %U  :   Uptime in <days>D<hours>H format(sysinfo)
    #   %L  :   Load average in <1min>,<5min>,<15min> format (sysinfo)
    #   %P  :   Percentage of free RAM (sysinfo)
    #   %W  :   Percentage of free swap (sysinfo)
    #   %E  :   The list of users currently logged-on in the system, in <user1> <user2> ... format (who)
    #   %S  :   The number of user sessions currenly active in the system (who)
    # Any other character except for space and tabs is copied literally to the prompt
    # SYNCH : If set, logs and debug messages are sent synchronously on the terminal screen;
    #                   otherwise they are sent asynchronously. No logs/messages are sent to background sessions.
    # OUTBUF_SIZE : When SYNCH is set, this is the number of last logs to remember, to be printed
    #                               after the prompt becomes available again.
    # BUSY : Boolean to indicate whether the prompt is available, or a command is under execution.
    #               Used in conjuction with SYNCH above to buffer incomming messages.
    # LOGTHREAS : Log threashold per session. If not specified the LOGTHREAS default session
    #                   is used instead. Messages with an equal or higher severity than that specified in this
    #                   variable will be printed on the terminal. If set to 8, then no messages will be printed at all.
    # TERM : Boolean. Indicates (if set) that the thread/session is in the process of terminating. No commands
    #               are executed.
    tsv::set $sid SID $sid
    tsv::set $sid SLAVE $sid
    tsv::set $sid CONFMODE {}
    tsv::set $sid CONFSTRING {}
    tsv::set $sid CONFSTORE {}
    tsv::set $sid AUTHMODE {}
    tsv::set $sid AUTHSTRING {}
    tsv::set $sid HISTORY {}
    tsv::set $sid HISTORY_SIZE $HISTORY_DEF
    tsv::set $sid HISTORY_LEVEL 0
    tsv::set $sid HISTORY_ENTRIES 0
    tsv::set $sid HIST_SUBSTITUTIONS 1 ;# (@magic-number)
    tsv::set $sid COMMANDS {}
    tsv::set $sid ALIASES {}
    tsv::set $sid HIDDEN {}
    tsv::set $sid PROMPT $PROMPT_DEF
    tsv::set $sid SYNCH $SYNCH_DEF
    tsv::set $sid OUTBUF_SIZE 100 ;# (@magic-number)
    tsv::set $sid BUSY 0
    tsv::set $sid LOGTHREAS $LOGTHREAS_DEF
    tsv::set $sid TERM 0

# Get list of sids of user sessions
# @return The sid of all the user sessions in a list
proc user_sessions {} {
    variable vtySessions
    variable conSessions
    return [concat $vtySessions $conSessions]

# Get list of sids of background sessions
# @return The sid of all the user sessions in a list
proc bg_sessions {} {
    variable bgSessions
    return $bgSessions

# Checks if a session is a user session or not.
# @param sid The sid to check if is an user session.
# @return The sid of all the user sessions in a list
proc is_user_session {sid} {
    variable vtySessions
    variable conSessions
    if {$sid in [concat $vtySessions $conSessions]} {
        return 1
    return 0

# Checks if a session is an background session or not.
# @param sid The sid to check if is an background session.
# @return The sid of all the user sessions in a list
proc is_bg_session {sid} {
    variable bgSessions
    if {$sid in $bgSessions} {
        return 1
    return 0

# Kill shell.
# @param shell_pid Shell's PID.
proc kill_shell {shell_pid} {
    catch {
        kill SIGTERM $shell_pid
        kill SIGKILL $shell_pid

# Proxy input from channel $from to channel $to, while inspecting forwarded data and taking actions
# as necessary. This key sequences are recognized:
#  Ctrl ^ + x : Terminate any currently executed command.
#  Ctrl ^ + s : Resize terminal screen to correspond to the real terminal dimentions, if it is not does automatically.
#  Ctrl ^ + r : Reset terminal screen. Useful if screen is distorded due to output etc.
# If connection in either $from or $to is lost, the session $sid is closed automatically.
# @param sid Session Id.
# @param from Channel to redirect input from.
# @param to Channel to redirect output to.
proc proxy {sid from to} {
    if {[eof $from]} {
        fileevent $from readable {}
        close_session $sid  "Connection with user was lost"
    set data [read $from]

    if {[set ::session::special_$sid]} {
        switch -exact -- [string index $data 0] {
            \u0078 { ;# Ctrl + ^ and then 'x'
                # This key sequense should break any executed command. The cases where a command can block are:
                #  1. In PTY isloated sessions with "ptyexec" (pty.tcl) like for commands: ping, traceroute, more, ...
                #  2. When waiting for user input with procedure "ask" (thread.tcl).
                #  3. When a command handler has blocked (due to normal execution or in runaway state),
                #       and the "blocks" (helper.tcl) procedure has been used to make it non-blocking. Example of this
                #       kind of block is waiting for a network connection to be establish, or waiting on a blocking read.
                #  4. When the event loop of the Session is occupied executing something or is in a runaway state
                #       (e.g. due to user action in Slave, such as a endless loop) (session.tcl). This case includes also
                #       registered event handlers executing in Events Session.
                #  5. When the event loop of the Session is in a blocked blocked (e.g. due to user action in Slave,
                #       such as a blocking read). This case is currenly not dealt with anywhere. Any idea how? XXX
                #       This case includes also registered event handlers executing in Events Session.
                #  6. Serving a 'bgexec' invocation.
                # Case 1:
                thread::send -async $sid ::pty::ptykill
                # Case 6:
                set ::bgexec_status 1
                # Case 3:
                ::helper::break_event $sid
                # Case 4:
                Session $sid BUSY
                if {$BUSY} {
                    # We schedule a job in the current thread to cancel the currently executing event in $sid.
                    # At the same time we send to $sid 's event loop an event to cancel the previously scheduled job.
                    # If the job is canceled, then it means that the event loop of $sid is free, so the user's Ctrl + ^ + x is
                    # not for this type of blocking. If however the job is not cancelled, then it is executed, forcing $sid
                    # to cancel the currently executing event.
                    set job [after 200 [list thread::cancel $sid "\nbreak sequence pressed"]] ;# (@magic-number)
                    thread::send -async $sid [list thread::send -async [thread::id] [list after cancel $job]]
                # Case 2:
                # Enforced in proc ask.
                # For this reason we let this key sequence to propagate.
            \u0073 { ;# Ctrl + ^ and then 's'
                # Resize $sid terminal
                # It has to go via Shell, because the shell only can query the terminal window dimentions.
                Session $sid SHELL_PID
                kill SIGUSR2 $SHELL_PID
            \u0072 { ;# Ctrl + ^ and then 'r'
                # Reset terminal
                # It has to go via Shell, because the shell only can execute the 'reset' command to reset its tty.
                Session $sid SHELL_PID
                kill SIGUSR1 $SHELL_PID
        set ::session::special_$sid 0

    switch -exact -- [string index $data 0] {
        \u001e { ;# Ctrl + ^   (Enter special mode)
            set ::session::special_$sid 1
    if {[eof $to]} {
        fileevent $from readable {}
        # Probably child has died, or closed standard I/O
        close_session $sid "Connection with session was lost"
    puts -nonewline $to $data

# Terminate a session and release memory
# @param sid Session id
# @param reason The reason for Session termination.
proc close_session {sid {reason "Unspecified"}} {
    log::Info "Closing session $sid" "Reason: $reason"

    Session $sid USER
    Session -rw $sid TERM
    set TERM 1
    if {$USER} {
        Session $sid STDIN_R
        fileevent $STDIN_R readable {}

    ::helper::break_event $sid
    thread::send $sid ::pty::ptykill
    # Wait for some time for the Session thread to clean-up stat that we cannot clean-up hear.
    # This can block because the event loop might be blocked in Session interp or Slave interp.
    if {[catch {
        Thread::bgsend $sid cleanup -timeout 2000 ;# (@magic-number)
    } errMsg errStack]} {
        log::Error "Failed to properly clean-up session $sid: $errMsg"
    # Warning: Do not release it again here, misteriously it doesn't get released at all then!
    if {$USER} {
        variable CID2SID
        unset CID2SID($SHELL_CID)
        catch {close $STDOUT2} ;# The rest get closed in the child thread, where they have been transfered
        #close $SHELL_CID
        :::comm::comm shutdown $SHELL_CID
        catch { file delete $FIFOINFILE $FIFOOUTFILE }
        variable vtySessions
        variable conSessions
        if {$sid in $vtySessions} { lremove vtySessions $sid }
        if {$sid in $conSessions} { lremove conSessions $sid }

        unset ::session::special_$sid
        after 1000 ::session::kill_shell $SHELL_PID ;# (@magic-number)
    } else {
        variable bgSessions
        lremove bgSessions $sid

    tsv::unset $sid
    log::Debug "Session $sid closed"

# Close all user sessions
proc close_all_user_sessions {} {
    variable vtySessions
    variable conSessions
    foreach sid [concat $vtySessions $conSessions] {
        close_session $sid "Closing all user sessions"

# Close all background sessions
proc close_all_bg_sessions {} {
    variable bgSessions
    foreach sid $bgSessions {
        close_session $sid "Closing all background sessions"

# Finds the session Id of the session on behalf of the caller procedure.
# Since the entry point into Master for every MikroConf command execution is
# "::sysconf::execute", and this entry point uses the sid variable to store the
# sessionId, we can retrieve the value of sid from within this procedure.
# @assume The entry point is ::sysconf::execute and its second argument is the session id.
# @return The session id
# @error
proc get_sessionId {} {
    # Although "sysconf execute" is executed as an esemble, in the execution stack it appears as ::sysconf::execute
    set entrypoint [info level 1]
    if {[lindex $entrypoint 0] eq {::sysconf::execute}} {
        return [lindex $entrypoint 1]
    log::Error -error "This command can only be invoked from within a MikroConf module operating on behalf of a user session"

} ;# End of namespace

Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation
File generated 2010-03-13 at 22:28.