Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation

pty.tcl Annotations

Created from source/pty.tcl
Execute an external system command on its own PTY. This is apropriate for executiong external commands that require a controling terminal, such as vi, more, less, and telnet from busybox. 'ptyexec' does not return until command has finished, but while it is executing the event loop is served. The external application can be forced to terminate prematurely.

Procedure Summary
ptyexec { args }
          Execute an external program like "exec" does, but in its own PTY.
ptykill { }
          Kill an ongoing ptyexec
ptyresize { }
          Resize the window size of the PTY of an ongoing ptyexec

Procedure Detail


proc ptyexec { args }
Execute an external program like "exec" does, but in its own PTY. Some interactive programs like 'vi', 'more', 'less', 'telnet', 'sh' assume that they are connected on a pty. If this is not the case (like when using "exec"), they malfunction. The external command takes control of Standard I/O of the session. Execution can be interrupted by the user with the break key sequence: Ctrl ^ + x/ This is enforced in session.tcl by calling ptykill (see below). It supports the syntax of 'bgexec' and also: -root : Execute without root priviledges.
args - Optional parameters, the program to execute, and arguments to the executable
Nothing if not error occurs, otherwise the error (and options). @error
Defined in:
pty.tcl, line 48


proc ptykill {  }
Kill an ongoing ptyexec execution.
Defined in:
pty.tcl, line 92


proc ptyresize {  }
Resize the window size of the PTY of an ongoing ptyexec session.
Defined in:
pty.tcl, line 97

Overview | Index by: file name | procedure name | procedure call | annotation
File generated 2010-03-13 at 22:28.